
Qld Premier Anna Bligh insisted the Traveston Crossing Dam must go ahead to supply drinking water for the state's fast-growing southeast. She herself defended the building of the dam because “we have the fastest-growing population in Australia”! However, the population growth is not natural but due to our Federal immigration program. It is not something she, or other States, are forced to “manage”. The State Budget shows that the population has grown consistently, at about 1800 people-a-week, over the past six years. This malignant population growth is because Premiers Bligh and Beattie have allowed it to happen. They have not called for an overhaul of immigration! Despite our so-called robust democracy in Australia, citizens have had no opportunity to debate or even vote about our desired population size, demographics or the ethnic origin of the people becoming residents. Immigration policies are decided for us, with consultation from businesses and corporations. The costs, financial and in loss of amenities, are relayed back to the public. The environmental costs of unsustainable population growth mean that natural resources must be rationed between more people, and biodiversity losses and environmental destruction are justified as the price to pay as economic gain. Water is a basic essential for life. We are facing threats of national and world shortages with climate change and peak supply of just about everything, including potable water. We should be stabilising our population, not growing! The threat of “running out of water” should be a clear sign to our leaders, including Premier Brumby, that we are past our comfort zone in human numbers. We ultimately will have sustainable population numbers, but it will be through natural disasters, not through human intervention or planning, clearly!

I find it quite incredible that locals could not allow people to camp on their land. How does this stand in competition law? What a tyrannical government Rees is running - and only to enrich corporations apparently. How can he pretend to lead a valid government when it overturns democracy and refuses to listen to its constituents. I would have thought that cancelled out any right to pretend to authority in a representative democracy. Sheila Newman, population sociologist

Since May I have been hunting hunters. So far I've caught eight ute-loads. These "hunters" are spotlighting into properties, including mine. Some also use dogs to bring down roos, wallabies and deer. What they really want is deer, but often they can't find any. This is my letter published in The Age in May 2009: "Greg Benton (Letters, 13/5) says that “sporting shooters” are not “bogey men”. Last Thursday, near midnight, I heard noise on the road outside my isolated property. Hunters with spotlights. I drove out to confront them and get their number plates. As I parked behind them, they turned banks of spotlights on me. I was blinded. Eight men surrounded the car, screaming abuse and spitting on the windscreen. Six large staghounds were loose. I turned blind into the road to escape. I did a u-turn and headed back home, but they blinded me again and tried to run me off the road. I swerved and got past. Phoned the police and returned to chase them again, hanging back this time. They drove away. It happens often. They cut fences and invade properties. The police station was closed. They are never caught." We've been harrassed for years by these thugs, so I began regular patrols and asked the police and DSE to get active. Last weekend they set a trap and caught two lots of illegal hunters in Mt Cole State Park. If landowners get licence plates of invaders, keep a list and send it to DSE/police you have some chance of relief. These "hunters" routinely drink booze while "hunting", and dump their cans etc on the roadside. If you keep the roadsides clean of rubbish you can identify hunters' rubbish the next day. We keep 17km of road here clean. A tip: photograph everything,including tyre tracks. This isn't "hunting". The roos etc just stand and stare and can be shot by any drunken moron. Government policies at present encourage these killers, often inadvertently. This must change.

Have been in touch with Kyogle council, to enquire when the roads will be graded and repaired by the even worse condition left by the Repco rally. Hmm not his week was the reply, and Repco will only repair damaged sections corners/ bends not the full road grading as promised by rally enthusiasts and Repco. So residents and rate payers can only expect the road to be graded just before the next rally event and only in sections where Repco deem necessary (for cars to slide and go faster, BUGGER the rate payers and people who depend on these roads day to day! Yet another lie by the scams and Wreckers Rural Carriageways Also a Neighbour who was a rally enthusiast received his "party pack" sent 11/09/09 actually not a what was expected, posters balloons etc but a glossy program guide. Even for those locals that supported Repco Rally AUS - there is contempt! They have now been let down, They could not even have camping for spectators on their land. That was stopped by Repco and Rees. SO much for rural jobs and some meagre income to locals from the rally $20 million profit for NSW Nope, Only for Repco corporate sponsors.

The DSE are responsible for our wildlife. However, I wonder how long Gavin Jennings, our Environment Minister, or his staff waited to conclude that there were no long footed potoroos or any other endangered species present at Brown Mountain? This area is known to contain rich densities of arboreal mammals. East Gippsland is one of the last three known sites where the potoroos still exist. Did he actually go there and observe? Did he or his staff actually put their heads out of their government sponsored car window? Do they even care if they are threatened? Probably not! There is no obligation for DSE to protect or conserve endangered species. They “may” at their discretion, but not if VicForests can make profits from woodchips! According to the Australian Conservation Foundation, logging old growth ‘wet’ forests means they are changed from a fire-resistant form to a much ‘drier’ and fire-prone ecosystem, reducing the resistance and survivability of these forests to wildfire. Even 600 year old trees don't stand a chance against the lure of immediate financial gain or the few local jobs. Our "environment" Minister is clearly more interested in profits, economic gain and a few rural votes than protecting species and their habitats. With the little remaining old-growth forests in Victoria, this further loss of habitat will ensure that long footed potoroos don't come back, and have even less chance of surviving mega-fires, introduced species and climate change! Gavin Jennings should be speaking out for our biodiversity’s protection, not private “green” groups sponsored by individual donations.

(Subject originally was "Hippies are c&*%s" - JS) It never ceases to amaze me how you hippies can care about something that means so little and will never have any direct impact on you whatsoever. Oh my god, dust being kicked up in the bush. UNHEARD OF! poor little critter might get some dirt in its eye, that could be fatal! If that is fatal to it let me tell you something, it will die no matter what. There are far worse predators out there for them to worry about than "dirt" or "noise"

Some small steps can take us ahead even without disruptive change. The idea being implemented by the US administration, I understand, to rent our foreclosed houses instead of reselling them is one such step. It provides shelter and prevents people from drawing down the equity in a house if it rises higher than the amount outstanding. This can be viewed as a component in the type of community arrangements you envision - but achievable within and leading to a transformation of, the existing capitalist system.

Sheila, I didn't say anything about hunting out indigenous species. Trust me there's enough introduced animals to feed the nation out there at the moment, I know because I spend a huge amount of time in the bush. I take deer, goats, rabbits for the table and the emphasis is on clean kills and not wasting anything from the animal. Many people who are not hunters tend to be quite wastefull with meat, often I have watched people scrape meat into bins and think nothing of it, such is society. Hunters don't think that way, so much effort goes into the hunt that to be wastefull with the kill is considered almost criminal. I am also involved with kangaroo culls for farmers who have tags to fill, with the trade off being access to the feral species they have on their land. What is disgusting is the current legislation that prevents ordinary hunters like myself using those roos for food. They must be tagged where they fall and left to rot. I don't know about you but I find that waste offensive and heartbreaking. Human population numbers used to be controlled with disease, hunger and war, these are now resisted with all means available. Humans will one day demolish the planet and destroy themselves one way or another, only then will nature bounce back as it is quite capable of doing. One breed of survivor will be the hunter who know their bushcraft and instinctively does what it takes to survive. Hunting is not unsustainable it just needs to be managed like most everything on the face of the earth. Even if there were less than a million people in this country I still don't think hunting would be accepted by the majority of people on this site because they are simply anti. All the the association of hunters with murderers and perverts and misinformation about what hunters do is real kindergarten stuff. It's a real shame they don't know the compassionate hunters I know who are just as concerned about the environment as they are.

The Repco Rally organisers still have not shown the financials to prove the rally generated Ian Macdonald's promised $20 million to NSW and the Northern Rivers. The Telstra Rally in Dwellingup always lost money. The Repco Rally in Kyogle has lost money. Clearly, Repco's selfish rally was only about encouraging petrol heads to exploit and abuse a local community and its environment. Repco, the NSW Rees Government that undemocratically circumvented State heritage laws to dictate the rally go-ahead and the Northern Rivers councillors who approved the rally now must be held to account for the promised $20 million. In his September pronouncement, Ian Macdonald MLC, promised "the rally could generate up to $100 million in direct economic benefit for the Northern Rivers over the ten year life-span of the event", "will generate job opportunities equivalent to between 30 and 40 new permanent positions or 1,500 to 2,000 part-time and casual jobs.” If Ian MacDonald MLC cannot prove the $20 million financial return from this event as he promised and within a reasonable time [say within a month by 1 Oct-09], then a fair conclusion to draw is that he has deliberately misled the NSW Parliament and the people of NSW and Kyogle about a false expectation of economic benefits from this rally.

To Sambar hunter: In reply to your empty arguments: 1. Farmer/licenced agreements to cull ferals/vermin deserves accreditation and the spoils to both. Killing native wildlife (kangaroos) simply is poaching and an unethical distinction from ferals. 2. NPWS is poorly managed, directed and resourced. It has become a political football and a wolf in sheep's clothing. Now the latest NSW Minister for Energy is charged to direct the NPWS. Macquarie Street Labor is corrupt so whatever NPWS does is questionable. 2. The core issue is the Daniel Boon Bill pushing to allow ree for all shooting of wildlife in National Parks. Funny how no counter arguments have emerged - as if no shooters have read the Daniel Boon Bill. I assume they have been hoodwinked by the Game Council not to read this Mein Kampf. 3. Stuff the emotional slant on this issue. The issue is about free for all shhoting rights for anything that moves in National Parks. I would not give that to anyone. Perhaps in a dictatorship like Zimbabwe, Mugabe would. 4. Australians can feed themselves practically at the local Coles and Wollies. The spin of some nostalgic Daniel Boon right or need to shoot wildlife to survive belongs to Playstation or indeed 1970s TV. 5. If foxes and rabbits are "less prevalent" let's get that confirmed in a public prouncemet by the responsible authority DECC or whatever its latest name and minister. 6. It is not the 'anti-hunting fraternity' whipping up nonsense. It is the anti-wildlife poachers unable to present a case to justify their fettish. Why has no shooter yet looked at the Gamers Bill and argued its case? Has any shooter read it? Ivan Milat was a licenced shooter before he was caught for mass murder. He was a member of a NSW Southern Highlands shooters club. The rules that allowed him to become a member and to own and use several long arms has not changed. So how can the community trust shooters under such lax rules and when shooters want freedom to shoot willdife in National Parks? It seems all responses from shooters miss the mark and need to adjust their rear sights for windage and elevation. The target thus far remains clean. Clearly shooters are unintelligent by unquestioningly following fanatics in the Games Council. Any nong could shoot an old stationary elephant from 6 yards. Show me Borsak's shooting results for rabbits or foxes?

Our state-destructive Labor Government is intent on growth at all costs! The costs for water are to more than double as it becomes more scarce. The desalination will be a polluting and destructive nightmare, and it is the pockets of the users that will be raided. Surely it is evident that we can't keep growing Victoria? We are already over populated and people are being added as occupiers to keep satisfied the greed of land developers and the building industry. Victoria has become not only too expensive, but dangerously dry and prone to mega-fires. Brumby's business "success" is thin and unsustainable. He has allowed Victoria to become a resource for profits and investments, not as a long-term viable place to live. We are also in danger of running dry of water this summer! Brumby's government is incapable of managing Victoria and should be dismissed!

Why don't these people - who insist that rallies are different from car races and need to be held off ordinary roads - not ask some Australian farmers with huge sprawling holdings to let them race their noisy dusty vehicles around those farms? These would need to be crop farms since grazing animals could be upset by the cars. What short of crops? Cotton or wheat? Banana plantations? But not national forests and parks. That is too horrible. I hate these rally people and the corporations behind them. They are bullies without imagination.

is a not for profit, non-political organisation that is actively recruiting for members and supporters. The following interview with the President of CIR, Mr Ron Evans, was conducted by David Astin and was originally published in Issue No. 17 (Summer 2008/09) of magazine. Thanks for this interview. It has been re-published as an article . - JS

Up front, my husband and I have been married for 52 years, have been prolific savers and have no debt at all. That said, we did come upon retirement with some investments and a 401K. We've made some scary decisions in our married life, but one of the most frightening was to take our accumulated money, cash it out and invest in 30 acres of rundown farmland in south-central Texas to leave our children instead of the money. Debt free, we have dug a million and a half gallon lake, are in the process of building a large, multi-family strawbale dwelling, building up soil in a producing garden, improving grassland, preparing for graywater and rainfall capture and learning to work with goats and chickens. We're in our early seventies. Aside from a few aches and pains, we're healthy. We'll be working on this big project the day we die. We're on a gravel road whose corner intersection has several families that we're coming to know. We're not involved in the little town, but trust me, everyone in this county knows about this strawbale house. The tax people have looked at it and vastly approve. "You're our only one," they say. This place will support children and grandchildren. We didn't know if we could accomplish it when we began, but we do believe that energy and water will become very precious. We work in a long learning curve and adapt as we go along. This country is in a precarious state. Our children "sort of" see it, and the grandchildren have absolute faith in the current administration to "fix things." We don't try to change their minds but continue every day, inch by inch, feeling our way as Life moves along. We're strong believers in Baby Steps. Mr. Trainer's essay has a lot of vision in it, but we here on this farmland will certainly remain on the fringes. Things move slowly here. It's hot, and it's dry. Texas is awfully challenging, but this is where we are. The best of luck to everyone who sees the need to prepare. Bless those who can take on the large community projects. We must just do our best where we are and hold the faith.

The comment begins with a number of rhetorical questions implying that little harm was done to the roads and wildlife. Even if piles of dead animal carcasses were not produced by opponents of the Rally --- and who knows how many animal deaths have been concealed by Rally organisers? --- there is still good reason to fear that the disruption to the breeding cycle of many animals in the region many well tip the balance that could lead to extinction. Certainly, given that proper assessments of the impact upon the environment have not been conducted in the indecent hast of the NSW Government to force the rally on the region, it may be hard to know the answer one way or the other until it is too late. However, there is already evidence, exactly as Rally opponents feared that a number of animals in the region, whilst not having been killed, have been severely traumatised by last weekend. If the roads were not badly damaged by the rally and the reckless driving of many rally supporters it will be a miracle. Certainly a pensioner has already how the local council has caused him considerable expense in the past by failing to properly maintain the roads, firstly by causing the necessity of paying $3000 in car repairs and secondly by causing the necessity of spending $7000 on a new car. I have yet to see a Rally supporter acknowledge this pensioner's objection to the Rally. We will learn if Chris has any intention of responding when Rally opponents provide more complete documentation on these pages the damage caused to the area by last weekend's races. We have yet to see any documentary evidence of rocks claimed to be left on the road. Certainly the claims of rocks being thrown at cars by Rally organisers, yet we yet to see a single apology from any of the pro-Rally supporters who have repeated that malicious lie on this page. Chris's complaint of protestors not having also supplied their own toilet facilities confirms the small-minded mean spirit of many Rally suppporters. People who truly care for our endangered wildlife could hardly hold this against those courageous and determined protestors who tried, without the generous support of corporations and NSW taxpayers, to defend this rich bio-diverse region last weekend. Near the end 'Chris' makes an attempt to divert this discussion with his bigotted attack on people who hold 'doof' parties in the area. If I were living it the region l would personally not want to have the peace disrupted by too many 'doof' parties either as at least one anti-Rally campaigner has put to me, but the point that these parties are far less harmful and far less dangerous than the speeding Rally cars as well as the reckless and dangerous driving of rally spectators. I suggest that 'Chris' take his own advice and "stop the rot".

I would agree with you if there were were less than a million people in Australia. For gods sake, there are 21.5 million of us. How long do you think the indigenous species would last if we all hunted them? I agree that our industrial food production is also inhumane and unsustainable. We need to rein in our population numbers and have more local footprints. Until we have come down to a sustainable size, though, hunting is unsustainable and harasses already pitifully persecuted species. Sheila Newman, population sociologist

The Victorian and Australian media simply don't give any political alternatives a chance. They only promote either Liberal or Labour and both now seem incapable of criticising unsustainable growthism and corruption. If the media did not run the elections, we might have a chance. What will you do when the elections come round? Vote for the Libs? What will they do that is different? They are like the same party. Equally shameless. Sheila Newman, population sociologist

Tigerquoll, You seem adamant that you know what you are talking about but let me enlighten you on some points. I spend at least two weekends a month hunting, culling roos for farmers in exchange for the right to take rabbits, deer or goats that may be there for the table.The farmers have tags issued by NPWS after an inspection of the propertys population. One property has 400 tags issued each year on average which after that winters cull would see the roos bounce back by the start of winter the following year. This is first hand observation, not some obscure study or emotionally based hot air. The disgusting aspect of the culls is that all roos shot under the current legislation cannot be used for any purpose and must be left to rot on the ground where they were killed and tagged. Shooters party legislation is trying to address this issue and allow hunters to use the resource instead of it going to waste. Hunters like myself choose to feed ourselves this way and I find it offensive that we are are labelled as sick and perverse for choosing to hunt. As far as the game council is concerned I have been involved in many of their organized culls and see first hand the reduction of feral animals. Forests that were open to hunting under Gamecouncil control were full of deer (which is my preferred species to take) but are now very hard to find and must be worked very hard for to now obtain. Foxes cats and rabbits also now are less prevalent than when the forests were first opened. These are facts from someone who is out there ALL the time. If the under-resourced NPWS wanted to use Gamecouncil accredited hunters to do culls at no expense to the taxpayer why object to it? The problem is misinformation directed by the anti-hunting fraternity who whip up nonsense about hunters filling the hills with bullets and nobody being safe. I attended one such rally against hunting in NP and was amazed at the lies being told to the audience If antis respect truth then they should be ashamed of what is being dished out as the truth to them by rally organizers. Hunting in NP works in Victoria to control Sambar deer, why not apply it here. We are not all Ivan Milats as is so often the association with anyone that holds a firearm. Please be realistic.

(Subject was changed by myself from just "Repco Rally" - JS) Please let me know if it is OK to drive on any of the roads that the rally was on, I would not like my young children's lives to be put at risk traversing these roads after being destroyed by those nasty rally cars nor would I like my children to witness the decimation of the rare & endangered wildlife caused by the Rally. What's that you whimper?? roads OK - (bar the rocks & crap left by the "protestors" - didn't see any toilet facilities provided or serviced by them) What was that? how many animals injured/killed by the rally? As per the hype by anti-Rally campaigners prior to the event, there should be piles of rotting carcasses upon the roadways not to mention the mass movement of wildlife exiting the area like some sort of multi specie refugee camp. Ian Cohen, you will be OK mate, gee watch your carbon footprints as I've heard that those big Jumbo Jets that take you overseas for your surfing trip burn a lot of fuel.(a bit more than 3 days of nasty little cars on dirt roads do). Anyway, see you all at the next doof, oopps, are they at night,in the forest,with constant doofdoofdoofdoofdoofdoofdoofdoofdoofdoof???? How many of the protestors walked to the sites? Please stop the rot. Chris.

Subject was: "Something in the water?" - JS Our Brumby government is clearly corrupt and are unable to manage Victoria. The elections can't come soon enough. They are hauling in money from growth, and they are part of the pro-growth land developers and building industry. They obviously have vested interests in extorting the public. It is unbelievable that the public are so quiet. Is there something in the water?

(Note: Ted, this is a version of something that I shared with you several years ago. Matt) As is stated in this post, it will be difficult for a bunch of wage/salary slaves to make the transition to a more comprehensive world -- whatever we label it. The following concept is closer in nature to a modern corporation than it is to an anarchist town/region. It does have the potential to reduce participant's footprints dramatically and improve quality of life immensely -- key components of any transition. Transition to An Institution That Has A Lot More Vibrancy Than A Town Or Suburb It is likely that life in Transition Towns as I've seen them described will not encourage the type of personal development that is necessary if we are to avoid making the same overshoot mistakes that we have made in the past. Why not transition towns and suburbs into real universities? By university, I mean an institution that encourages us to "wander freely" as Leon Kass describes his university career. Set the Rules in Advance For those like me who got their share of meetings in our corporate life and activist lives, it makes sense to post the rules in advance. If someone can live with the rules, they simply subscribe and get on with living, rather than meeting. (I've already heard secondhand of individuals here in Spokane who have grown weary of the Transition Town meetings.) One of the rules might be that everyone has to produce (or fruit). If your primary responsibility is to serve as a physician within the institution and there are no physician duties, then your secondary responsibility will be to garden. (If everyone eats organic food and there are no mindless jobs to drive to, it is likely that there will be little demand for physicians.) Another rule might be that money does not work; people work. Another potential rule: No one would have the primary responsibility of being an "executive"/bureaucrat. Transfer Retirement Funds Immediately If what Ted states above about the future turns out to be true, it means that almost all existing retirement funds will lose most of their value. Before all your savings are lost why not transfer retirement funds into an infrastructure that is more sustainable? The institution can be structured in a way that falls within the existing tax-exempt laws. What would it look like? It will take considerable work to transform the mindless streets that dominate our lives into productive gardens. Therefore, I would suggest that we start with an infrastructure that looks like that of Rancho La Puerta -- a destination spa in Northern Mexico. ( ) Paths only, small living quarters, library, yoga facilities, etc. If you want to transition to higher quality of life, feel free to contact me at the email link at the website that can be linked to by pressing my name.

I hunt because thats the way I put food on the table.If only you could grasp the concept that animals die to feed others. Hunting is more moral and compassionate than 21st century man's factory farming practices. The reason we survived as a species is because of good hunter/gatherer development.Something we seem to becoming detached from at a rapid rate due to unrealistic ideology and the need to remove ourselves from the (dirty) work of having to end an animals life by having someone else do it for us. Yes we are becoming SUPERMARKET MAN. Buying meat in a tray with a woman's sanitary pad underneath it. So next time you buy your meat think about the hunter who pursued his quarry pehaps for days killed it, gutted it and carried it for miles out of the bush,got home butchered the meat, used the skin made soap from the fat and fed his family of five. Because that's what I and thousands of hunters do regularly If you really care about animals and want to do your bit for the environment become a hunter! Don't tell me that modern man has got it right feeding himself with 21st century farming techniques.

Hmm, sounds like one of those open, polite and considerate pro-rally folk. :-) Sheila Newman, population sociologist

I do agree with this 110%. Mass overpopulation could be considered the mega host that enables many if not most of the other problems and issues. And it also makes things very drastic during natural disaster time (an image of the Titanic with over twice too many people for the life boats on board comes to mind as a very PC and mellow example...) There is just no way to help and accommodate everyone let alone during the emergency times. This fact is being proven almost daily now I have noticed!!! Hundreds of thousands of displaced people very recently; in fact just yesterday 600,000 people were internally displaced from their home all around Africa; and there were many more displaced events from today too, that was just 1 example. For many years I have thought that we should make people get certified to have children or something like that. That would help alleviate this newer welfare gold-digger movement that I have noticed. There are definitely freedom and liberty issues that go along with that idea, so it would never work under a free republic or democracy. That is why I must note that I think China has had a pretty decent idea in helping to thwart their over-growing population. (Too bad that when they instituted this idea, they were already spreading at the seams.) But large tax incentives or tax cuts for families with either none or only 1 child is really not a bad idea. And the more children you have the scale goes dramatically down for the large tax incentives. It's a start anyway; but I must also add that China is in no way setting a good example with their current population numbers (they house approx. 1.3 billion of the worlds approx. 6.7 billion total) - sheesh. They created that plan as a last desperate hope of getting some form of control on this. And lucky them! They have the perfect style of government that makes initiating this style of policy a breeze with no whinning! Instead the US gives tax cuts for more children that a family has which, very unfortunately, manifested a complete generation of Jerry Springer "trailor trash" (please pardon the stereo-type as I detest stereo-types; it was the best way to get point accross) parents that have as many kids as they can just to get more welfare, foodstamps and top priority on the list for subsidized HUD housing. What is very wrong with this picture??? I have even seen many women who never intended on having any 1 man or getting married at all. They just tramp around and pop out a few kids for what they think is a free ride. Is this fair at all for the kids?? I mean, try to imagine being born and never EVER having a father and worse yet, never even knowing WHO your father is. This is a bad situation. Isn't having a child supposed a very sacred and wonderful thing that should be cherished and considered the ultimate best in life? I have seen this way too much over the past decade and 1/2. Now recently I have even seen these types actually bragging that they have the system totally worked out with the 4 kids, ratty trailor, extra food stamps because of all the kids and more welfare. My god that is insane. We need to start creating large incentives for RESPONSIBLE intelligent families that realize that they aren't ready yet and have no kids or realize they do not want to intentionally bring a small innocent child into this world at this particular juncture. Or the matured and very responsible families with only 1 child. And why must it be these previous responsible families that I just mentioned that ultimately pay for the "trailor trash"s housing, food and income via income taxes? That just seems completely backwards to me. Here's my thought. Anyone who thinks they have the right to create a child should at least have their life and finances in balance!!! So a decent rule, if you pro-create, you must join the responsible working world! That would put a halt to that. I mean there are seriously messed up individuals ONLY having children to attempt cheat the system and get out of a 9 to 5 situation. Like their kids are some tradeable commodity that enables tax credits and free commodities and ultra cheap housing. Here's a crazy idea that might help, let's abolish Fed & State direct income tax completely for any married couple that has no children!! BooYah! It makes sense kinda if you think on it. If you have the kid and commit to bringing the extra stress to our dear mother Earth and only home and a new dependant life that will utilize many government subsidized organizations (IE. public schools, etc), then you commit yourself to our current unconstitutional direct income debacle!! I like it! LOL. Now that would put a damper on the exponential population increases. LOL (kidding of course! a whole room of tax mediators at the IRS head-quarters just fainted and experienced heart palpitations when they saw that, but only after they prepared and sent the response and $5000 fine for a fraudulent income tax return!!!) :)

The water allocated for environmental flows down the Thomson to the Gippsland Lakes will now be held back in the Thomson Dam, for Melbourne's use. Scientific reports show the fish could be wiped out from the Thomson under a worst-case scenario as a result of the extraction, but Mr Holding has expressed confidence it can be sustained with strategically managed releases of water down the river. Canberra has the power to halt the action if the impact on the fish is deemed severe enough. Many Gippsland locals felt their water was being stolen by a city that should have stricter restrictions. David Ellard from Friends of Gippsland Lakes says the reduced water flow will result in more algal blooms and will keep tourists away. Commercial fishermen in the Gippsland Lakes - into which the Thomson flows - were also unimpressed. Mr Holding said until major projects such as the desalination plant and the Sugarloaf pipeline came online, the government had no choice but to source water from other places. According to Holding: Melbourne households have reduced their water use by 12.3 billion litres since the Target 155 campaign was introduced in November last year and most people are doing the right thing. Why should households reduce their water usage to third-world standards while the number of consumers continues to be socially engineered for the advantage of businesses? The desalination plant should be operational from the end of 2011 and is expected to create about 1000 jobs. There is growing concern Melbourne's dams could run dry before the $3.5 billion Wonthaggi desalination plant begins pumping water in late 2011. Official figures show Melbourne had the greatest population growth of any capital city last financial year, adding nearly 75,000 in the last financial year. World leading reproduction expert Professor Roger Short, of the University of Melbourne, says Australia’s population growth is out of control. Nature is already under stress from human activities. The UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of 2005 concluded that two-thirds of ecosystems on which humans depend are currently being degraded or used unsustainably. Monash University demographer Dr Bob Birrell said the city's startling growth reflected record high migration. Our Brumby government is making commercial policies to favour businesses and land developers that are not in the long-term interests of the citizens of Victoria. The costs of water and climate change, and the all the implications of housing stress and infrastructure shortages of an unsustainable population size, will be passed onto the people of Victoria.

On seeing the length of Ted's article I feared it would be just more of the verbal indulgence that is so common especially among the big names. But instead I found very solid content with admirably clear presentation. (NB--I had already adopted the abbreviation TT to denote transition towns; in the following I mean that rather than Ted Trainer.) I find Ted's critiques of the TT movement to be sound. That's curious given that his critiques hardly overlap with the critiques of TT I have published myself (e.g. on energyark blog). But there's a crucial point at which my own perception parts from the above: "This revolution could therefore be smooth and non-violent. If we are lucky the old system will more or less just die away as people “ignore it to death”." On the contrary, by the time most people wake up it will already be even more too late than it is already. And the old system will not release its oppressive grip (legal and political) until it collapses involuntarily leaving us largely destitute of alternative survival arrangements. Ted's proposals of how communities need to change could only come about if the governing local councils adopted the transition ideology as their own. I see zero prospect of that happening just about anywhere. Ted's article seems to start from what is "needed", rather than to start from the menu of what is actually possible. I think Ted underestimates no less than the TTers the daunting ocean of problems the human race have steered themselves into. For the reasons set out more fully in

As a collective, humans are incapable of making painfull decisions before a change is required due to a conflict of interests in that those in power want to stay there. From here on in its crisis management, as it has been, for the past two years, as we blunder from one crisis to another. Then there's the elephant in the room - population - no one wants to talk about it because we are all having sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters - babies. The equation goes like this:- babies = consumption = economic growth = overpopulation = resource depletion = starvation & death. It's not that I don't like babies, its simple economics.We live on a finite planet which means finite resources. More people means we all get a smaller share of the pie until its too small to support us and we die.

Dear Ted: Thanks for the very stimulating and comprehensive assessment of the world position and what needs to be done. I agree with all the things you say. However, I think the Transition movement is aimed at doing just the same sorts of things. They don't use words like anarchist because they want to be broadly inclusive, so avoid terms that might put people off. They don't make specific prescriptions on exactly what towns ought to do because they want the towns to come to the same conclusions you describe on their own initiative. I agree that an alternative currency must be based on alternative production of real goods; but I think the Totnes Pound as a demonstration (and it was called that) was useful as PR just to convey the concept of localism. Transition's emphasis on process is quite important, I think, because, although it is not too hard to see what must be done, as you have, it is terribly hard for people in our culture to collaborate in an egalitarian way, without the hierarchal structures we are used to. It's hard for people to get along at all, sadly. Think of the divorce rate, online squabbles sometimes quite nasty, the huge difficulties faced in intentional communities, bless their hearts for trying. I agree when you say the culture needs to change from individualistic acquisitive to a more communal vibe. This is a huge shift. We have to start with the social inheritance we have culturally and work out from there. The excellence-for-its-own-sake collaborative vibe made possible by the internet is a positive trend, as is the new wholistic-type thinking coming out of some business lit (Peter Senge), and from permaculture design. I'm setting up a Permaculture Enterprise Network in my area that will do training and installations of alternative infrastructures such as food gardens, water sequestration, home energy generation, manufacturing of small-scale, backyard greenhouses, chicken coops, greywater irrigation, alcohol fuel stills, worm bins (to begin to self-manage waste), ovens and stoves made of local materials, and also enterprises for crafts, food processing, and the like. Using the existing structure of home improvement contracting, I want to put people to work (after proper skill training) installing these survival systems as broadly as possible then work up from there to town-level projects, when the time is ripe, when best practices have been learned, when new ways have become familiar. A work-trade offer will allow the unemployed to get their own systems, training, and eventually jobs in exchange for their time. This could evolve into a barter scheme and then a local currency since we will be producing what people need.

The myth of King Midas is ever more relevant each day in Australia and Melbourne particularly. I used to wonder how a ruler could be so fond of money that he would stupidly turn everything to gold, even water and food. Then Melbourne got Kennett, then Bracks, then Brumby and it really seems that, because of such values, Victorians may risk dying of thirst and hunger in the not too distant future. Sheila Newman, population sociologist

I think any rational thinking human being realizes at first glance what a complete joke that cover up was and also the official 911 commission report. I mean c'mon, the government spent WAY more money just investigating Clinton getting his 'schlong sucked. And only a few mil for the 911 commission, sheesh? The Commission was a created facade engineered to fail from the get go obviously. The problem with completely unraveling the mystery is that the US Government makes solid practice and is skilled at "Compartmentalizing" projects. This means that they break any project into so many different parts handled by different teams that even the people involved with the parts do not know the whole answer or finished project and only the few upper rankers or "lifers" know the entire story. Combine that with a little bit of murder mayhem and that's a clean cover up! They, like the Vatican, will completely obliterate any obstacle or obstacles in their path to domination. Morals, truth, the American way and justice don't count. The US has been successfully Corporatized. I mean the Federal Reserve is a private company that hordes the gold and prints of paper for the citizens! And why is civics knowledge so hard to find in this country?? It's like most people do not even know the 3 branches of government of their checks and balances; it makes me literally sick. One would guess that even our entire educations systems are in some way engineered for partial failure. Like the Vatican, they do not like free thinkers that think for themselves; those people are a threat to the power establishment. So a mass of brainwashed, not so smart people is much easier control and they don't make a fuss. They just go to work, retire and die just exactly as planned by our power establishment. Compartmentalization of projects or actions allows for plausible deniability at every step. Our US government instead of gaining integrity and skills in serving the country with truth and integrity has become very skilled in deceit, treason and mass murder. Who knows what the real reason for 911 was or if it was a combination of reasons.... Was it the immediate "War of Terrorism" and executive powers? Ha! What a joke. If I remember correctly something like 7000 US troops total were sent to Afghanistan. There are more cops on the street right now in Manhattan. But in 1 year they sent over 1/2 million troops to Iraq for the resources alone and the natural gas line to the Caspian sea. C'mon, I mean they didn't even try to hide it that much at all. I can't believe they give the populace that little credit. Plus the "War on Terrorism" allow them to point their fingers at anyone like a pack of drunk cowboys; Get 'Em! I guess as a whole, humanity is clueless, but individuals are very smart and critical. War Powers, hmmm. Was it NASARA (What a dream!)?? The foreign commodities??? The rumored over 500 billion (or something like that; impossible to know) in gold bullion that was possibly stored there at went missing and only 1 abandoned truck full of gold was found 1 block from ground zero (they didn't get the last truck out in time; hey if you are going to kill a few thousand completely innocent Americans for billions of dollars you gotta break a few eggs!!). And, my God, what about the sorry, sorry, completely retarded excuse as to why trade center building number 7 feel about 3 blocks away??? It did happen to have all the data from the insider trading scandals and many other scandals (SEC) up to the top of our economy as well as the home offices of such organizations as 2 private banks, Securities and Exchange Commission, the IRS Regional Council and the United States Secret Service. Well I'll give you 1 guess as to the one of the organizations completely involved with the 911 scandal at every level; the evidence was wasted. There is a plethora of evidence (way too much to list even in 2 books) and testimonials that we do not even need the absolute "true" story at this point. I think we know enough to realistically point some fingers and find most of the culprits. It if were France the citizens would have stormed parliament and strung those bastards up!!!! I respect France for that; if there is a huge problem, they are not afraid at all of collecting a huge riot in the streets for street justice! In the US (only country like this) the citizens truly fear the government not the other way around which is why they(the government or certain factions thereof) think they can just do any god damn think they want to and the citizens are always completely petrified to even speak out for fear of complete ridicule and immediate loss of their reputation (if they had one) or a IRS audit; you name it. See I think since '63 and the Kennedy assassination they really do believe they can get away with anything. Boy NASARA would have been a GODSEND if it could have just been announced before Gore getting elected and Bush inaugurated (Republicans had Diebold in their pocket and the machines are completely audit-less; SHAME!!!)! Every step and turn of our power structure is protected by plausible deniability. Even most of the fools making the "Black Ops" black metal ships don't even know what they are making or doing!!! One more important factor about the alleged "War on Terrorism". This keeps the nations eyes busy and allows the government to act out their true hidden agendas and throw tons of money at secret projects without too much notice from the public. IE. Like the over 2000 DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases; 1/2 of them are prisons) that have been around for awhile now. Meanwhile the poorest 1/5 of Americans have seen under 1% gross change in their earnings from 1988 to 1998. And the richest 1/5 have seen their salaries go over 15% from 1988 - 1998 (true facts and due to Shaw's theory) I think this is one of the underlying reasons regarding what this is all about; socially engineered societies are nothing new and we are not the first by any means! Bush was nervous when he took office I would imagine. He had the NASARA act hanging over his head ready to explode at any time and scandal after scandal pushing their way out of the his large skeleton closet (Bohemian Grove was infiltrated by Alex Jones in 2000 right before the election but GWB successfully reigned the media in on that one. The media is their puppet house!) But 911 changed all that in one quick swift act of treason and mass murder against the very innocent people that enable them to control over 1/2 of the nations GPD) Another problem is Shaw's theory. The very same people that have the power to change policy benefit from the current policies big time; so why would they change and bite their own asses as they further separate the classes and get away with treason, mass murder, racketeering and effective 20th century and 21st century slavery all with big smiles on their faces as they all become mass billionaires. Or maybe NASA and the government are fully aware of a possible approaching brown dwarf star (Huge gravitational anomaly in our system right now. Suns magnetic poles reversed in 2006 I think it was. And the supposed "Super Flare" of 2006 was just a 2000 mile pole shift which completely misaligned the global GPS systems. 5 months after the actual event they came out with their attempted "cooked" cover story of the largest super flare ever; that situation is under the HIGHEST top secret and national security which is obvious because they have went to ULTIMATE lengths to distract, misinform the general public; I understand completely on this one however. I think that if NASA really released the true info that they have regarding where the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 satellites are and what they have been following and triangulating for years, everyone would crap a huge brick and world wide societies would crumble overnight therefore resulting in Martial Law that much sooner. If this one is true, unfortunately, then they must contain control of society for as LONG as possible just to ensure their possible continuity (Not saying it's real, but there is an overwhelming amount of evidence and the usual few "mistakes" the government usually makes in cover ups. And one must ask why there have been several (over 20 and possibly many more REAL Military raids) SWAT style raids on little towns USA live whilst the public is about and scared shitless or arrested, cuffed and thrown on their faces. They say if is for terrorism practice and Homeland Security, but local law enforcement agencies have more than enough resources to handle a situation like the Oklahoma city bombing or others. So what are they practicing for. They are warming up the military and recently created paramilitary organization to the thoughts and practices of being deployed in Urban town, USA. Psychologically preparing them as well for raids on American cities and citizens). I suppose if there is valid "top secret top national security" evidence that society as we know it could be severely hampered or ended by the brown dwarfs passage, then a quick rampant run for full exploitation of every darn thing they can realistically get their hands on makes more sense. Then stashing all the US's commodities (food, crude oil) whilst they waste money at supreme lengths to import all the food and crude oil they can from abroad makes much more sense. Meanwhile they control 50% of the GPD and use most of those resources for their own personal projects and usage. Meanwhile, most of the entire US populations controls less than 30% of total resources. Sounds like another group we know; starts with a V!) These guys really aren't that smart (generally enlightened and intelligent people do not indulge in treason or mass murder ( Hitler withstanding ) for money of all things). They miss data and information ALL the time in their cover ups. LOL. They cannot really think that they are getting away with all this crap in the clean. Well, they are getting away with it so far I guess technically, but in no way clean and concise, but pretty much everyone whom thinks for themselves knows more truths and most people I know are very pissed off about it). Pray for NASARA, what a dream!!!! This government should have been taken down and replaced in '63 right after Kennedy assassination (Also plausible deniability at every step. even the shooters didn't know each other and all ended up dead. LOL). Why do you think my user name is X-Pat? I was born in the US and raised there for 35 years. I am getting out ASAP personally. There are enough way better countries (none perfect, but others with at least some morals, checks and balances that work and a little bit of truth relayed to the citizens; just a little would be nice) that I cannot count them on both hands. Also, the US has been unconstitutionally taxing its' populace since a 2 year program of direct taxation was created in '52 for WWII. After they got their hands on that revenue stream; BAM! Out comes the IRC which is a 3.5 million word jargon and puzzle that no one can understand, not even experienced editors and political authors!. Only the computer age has let use successfully cross reference the entire IRC to find it completely compliant with the Constitution and contains no ratifications of amendments or changes to common taxation definitions at all. So the IRC is just yet another confusing facade created so impossible to understand that poor Americans just listen to what their tax preparer or the IRS says (Yet another private company with the right to police our citizens and incarcerate them for multiple life sentences!) We should incarcerate our own DEA then for them distributing more cocaine in this country than any small private entrepreneur could possibly do. Clandestine activities related to Iran-Contra and Cuban missile crisis; they too must propagate their own way of life and success. It wouldn’t work too good for them if they put themselves out of a job. So they have ended up being some of the largest contraband smugglers and drug runners in all of history very probably. Only paralleled by the United States gun running numbers and armament of countries obviously not morally ready or responsible enough for the power; just for more money yet again. It is a big ugly mess and a house of cards that needs cleaning and unfortunately it has been going on so long now and the power structures are dug in so deep that there is probably only a couple options for full reform. Currently, the American dream that everyone dreams of is nothing but debt, slavery and servitude of the nations elites.

I read through everything and found it interesting. Yes, my comment doesn't really relate to the thread, but I just couldn't let the GWB celebrating occur without a decent and logical retort!! :)

Dear Wait and See I am glad you raised money for a much needed dialysis machine and the Westpac helicopter, but my question is why should you have to?? It is yours and my hard earned tax dollars that paid for the rally, and I for one would much rather see it go into causes like your hospital and the westpac chopper. I would much rather see it go into supporting the understaffed doctors who, according to recent news reports, admit killing people through being exhausted. I also would like to let you know that there was no rock throwing. Despite blatantly untrue media stories, you know how they love a good beat up. They did not bother to show the hundreds of peaceful protestors simply holding signs by the road for hours "Mildly annoying protestors" just doesn't make a good headline. Mikko Hirvonen one of the drivers in the lead is on record saying he didn't see any rocks thrown, the police liason officer with the protestors all weekend was there and said "there was a report a missile, possibly a rock, hit one car" . Drivers who were there, protestors WHO WERE THERE, and rally staff who were there, all say NO ROCKS THROWN. We have tried and tried to get the media to be more honest in their reporting to no avail. They are also wrong in labelling us dole bludgers. We are teachers, doctors, nurses, business owners, farmers, retirees, parents, grandparents, ordinary people who care, just like you. We just happen to realise that changing the law to allow an otherwise illegal car rally to go ahead is undemocratic, that the environment of the region has been recognised as having biodiversity values equal to Kakadu and needs to be protected, and that we do not condone inappropriate use of public funds. The terrorism has been perpetrated by the government and the media, not by us. I wish you the best.

when they count the coins in the rally counting room, I hope they remember to differentiate between the money that came in from Speed on Tweed, Fathers Day and the Tyalgum music festival. I hope they remember to take out the millions of dollars they gave in subsidies, the costs of the extra police & their accomodation and transport, the businesses that lost money e.g a service station in Murwillumbah being closed over the rally period, all the businesses relying on that servo, the supermarkets whose carparks were full of rally officials and spectators etc and whose customers were unable to shop there, those who cancelled out of the Tyalgum festival and accomodation because of the rally being on, I hope they count the cost of cutting down trees for spectator stages and the inevitable clean up. I know they can never compensate for the stress to the environment. I hope they made sure offset their carbon emissions (which must have been massive) and include those costs. I hope they compensated the poor clubs that were done out of their fund raising catering activities that speed on tweed usually gives them but that the rally denied. I don't think they can compensate anyone whose loved one has died because the hospitals and health care system is underfunded because we're too busy paying for car races, I hope they clarify that the alleged $100 million profit prediction is over the 20 years of the contract, not this one event. I hope I hope I hope they become human and realise that we all share this planet and this state.

Dear Anonymous, Hmmm you are a complex character. First you talk about ideals and democracy. But you fail to recognise that we are fighting for our ideals, to protect the environment, our rights and democracy itself. Legislation was passed to allow the rally to go ahead!! Ian MacDonald admitted on national TV (7.30 report ABC) that they had to change the laws to minimise the risk that opponents to the rally might use the court system to stop it. Hello?? Isn't that our right as part of the democratic process?? and if it could have been stopped by the laws in place IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN. The NSW Parliament website states the process of legislation gives enough time for members to fully understand the consequences of the bill and for community consultation. Again, this didn't happen = corruption of the democratic process. You mention the Victorian bushfires, well did you know the rally is being paid for out of our tax dollars?? I for one would much rather it go to the emergency services like the fire brigades and police, or the health system, or many other far worthy causes than a hobby sport like the rally. When a house burns down, or people die because the hospitals are understaffed and the doctors are tired (as in newspapers last few days), the excitement of a rally is not much comfort. You like many others ignorant of the truth comment on our "dole forms" yet pretty much all of the protestors have jobs, pay taxes and are responsible members of the community. We are teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, business owners, farmers, artists, retirees, parents and grandparents, and I for one don't take any drugs not even nicoteine, caffeine, or alcohol. You mention the nuclear industry, why would you think we wouldn't be involved in that as well. I for one have been involved in many anti nuclear groups and campaigns. More importantly, it is all part of the SAME ISSUE - that the will of a corrupt, greedy corporate government is being imposed on the people instead of acting as a representative of the people. You and I should be united - we obviously both care about the environment and true democracy, that we're not is what I find disturbing.

The Victorian Government will divert 12,000 megalitres of water that had been flowing to the state's northwest and send it down the controversial north south pipeline. This parcel includes the 12,000 megalitres traditionally supplied to the Wimmera Mallee region from the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District. The 12,000 magalitres was to boost Loddon, Goulburn and Murray River flows. Irrigators argue it should have been allocated to them, not set aside for Melbourne. Water allocations to irrigators had been set at zero for this season. The Brumby government is clearly stressed about Melbourne's water supply and is intent on stealing it from other drought-stressed areas' reserves to maintain our urban lifestyles and population growth. Supplying occupants for the building industry is more lucrative than agriculture now!

Great show, great event and great people. In 3 days I didnt see or hear a protest but saw thousands of happy people enjoying a very special part of Australia. Cant wait for the next one in two years time.

Note: I'm not sure how this comment relates to this article, but I agree with it. - JS Hmm. You mean to say you endorse corruption and terrorism? Because thats what GW is and does. Also he was never once won a presidential elect in reality but has been inaugurated twice? Hmmmm. I like their facade of needed "Wars" to allow the president to be head chief of the military and gives him absolute executive power to veto or pass bills without Congress. It makes one remember things like NESARA any many others. GW was only in office 7 months before a wonderful war was effectively fabricated. Since then they have been tromping the world without any regard for Mother Earth, nature, peace, integrity, people, the constitution, truth or even just a little common sense for the future. Funny, I used to think the Vatican was the purest evil group on this planet ...... You go ahead and keep your GW. Pretty soon your GW & residual Co. will have you locked in your house under Martial Law. Have fun!

You wrote, "Yes we may all have some concerns about the environment..." so my suggestion is that we concentrate on those concerns until we're sure that they are allayed and that the environment not be relegated to second or even third place in our minds behind the financial benefits for a few and a week's Entertainment. In relation to your points about the fundraising efforts for the Hospital and the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, I ask: Why is the Government financing a car rally but the procuring of hospital dialysis machines rely on charity and why doesn't Westpac completely finance the operations of the Helicopter that bears its name and carries its most benevolent advertising message? Good on those tireless workers who always have these important and even essential services in the forefront of their minds. Without them we would be worse off but I'd like you to also spare a thought for those who work to protect the Environment for the benefit of all. At the moment, they feel they have been betrayed in their efforts by the State and Federal Governments. The Opponents of the Rally are all members of your Community and I doubt any one of them would deny helping a neighbour in trouble. Think about who they might be and how important they are in your main street as customers, friends, colour, education, artists, activists, protectors, volunteers, shop owners, workers ..... And please reserve your judgement about any Byrrill Creek stories until a review confirms that all of these things did actually happen, the reports are conflicting and alarmist and so are your allegations of Terrorism.

Bare bums shock and awe, If the rally went past my house they would see that and worse. 2 days brings in more money than a whole year? How many bacon and burgers can 1 fish shop make? Were rally spectators rushing to Crazy Clarks for Armour All? Or a cafe for heaps of coffee? Maybe the op shop had heaps of blankets for seating? Oh yeah don't forget the fringe fashion parade or the movie marathon mad max movies at the cinema. How about a 3 course meal at the Bowlo for $90 a head,meals that usually are $30! Yep,that all dragged in millions, Phht! But did it match the millions that the rest of NSW paid for it in taxes to host it? Hell, why not just dole out that for roads,hospitals and a doctor you don't have to wait 7 days to see? Or restore the XPT rail to Lismore so less affluent rally enthusiasts can travel up to see it? It was too far and no accommodation was the ordinary rally enthusiasts catch cry. They even cried at the poor spectators areas, denouncing Garry Connely as only supporting corporate supporters not the diehards of ordinary rally enthusiasts? The whole event was a sham and a Scam to advertise Repco, and a few others,showing that wildlife and peoples freedom, rights and choice is NOTHING! Well done Repco,

Do these doof parties keep you locked into your home for daylight hours? Do they rip up the roads the ones you pay rates for or don't you care? How often do they happen and why is music and dancing frowned upon? Young people cannot dance? but yeah you'd rather them drive at full ball anytime? Would you really rather speeding cars ripping up the roads at speeds as fast as they can go? Perhaps teens doing drag racing instead of dancing would suit you more? Let them drink drive and be feral on the roads, Hell Rees and Repco think that is a fine future ambition for this area? Our roads are now Rally race tracks safe speeds do not matter! Its only dirt roads and world class at that! Well yeah if Repco and the premier think it is OK then what can you expect,get used to it. I would rather young people dance and listen to music than copy a rally race for fun. The wildlife do not have to run, every 30 seconds to avoid cars, the free youth leave pretty much at the same time safely, with no helicopter ambulance needed to standby. I am thinking If the rally is OK then fine for more rave parties here, If the roads are not going to maintained and further degraded by a rally then I need money to keep my car on the road. Council and Repco will not pay,your rates mean zilch! Let the youth rave,rather than race and be dust too early. Because our roads are nothing but dirt rough and ready for a Rally race, bugger the safety aspect or the maintenance before a rally - no money in that!

I cannot see us making this transition any time soon. Transitioning from a monarch type society to a democratic capitalist society has been taking place in the western world for over 250 years. Yet the rich/powerful remain in control (much like a monarch type society which goes back over 3000 years). So not much has really changed in terms of human psychology. The powerful want to remain in control and maintain their accustomed lifestyles and the poor aspire to be rich/powerful at least in their own lives (this is our current society, basically). To maintain the status quo the current strategy is to keep the populous relatively happy and convince them that they are free. Actually the current system works well compared to other historical societies, as revolts and violence are kept at a minimum. There is currently no real motivation to change, and that is the key. You will need crises to motivate, we're not intelligent enough currently as a whole to do otherwise. What will likely happen is a series of crises will have to devastate a society for any real change to happen. The problem with that is, a society doesn't then move to an enlightened state but to a survival state. Maybe from the ashes of such an event(s) could a new society begin. Problem is, the enlightened people would have to survive and would need to be the leaders. Leaders that rise from a crisis era are not usually enlightened as they've risen to power on the manipulation of their circumstances. But hey, anything could happen, just look at the earth, think of all the things that had to line up for life to even exist here.

Editorial comment: Whilst it is our intention to allow all views submitted to this web site, both for and against the recently concluded Repco Rally known to site users, we draw the line at publishing unfounded and inflammatory allegations against protestors.

Such allegations were made here yesterday by someone claiming to have been an official of the Repco Rally. As well, terms such as 'terrorist' and 'criminal' and disparaging allusions to pot-smoking unemployed hippies were bandied about.

Accordingly We have declined to publish that comment.

James Sinnamon.

Our population, workforce, agriculture, property ownership. infrastructures, education, trade, commerce and foreign affairs are being globalised under our noses! This is creeping into our lives, and citizens are silent! We do not have the economic power or populations of India or China, and our environment will not support it. We are being disadvantaged by these giants. Government decisions and policies are being dominated by global forces. However, while our economy may have not suffered the meltdown that other nations have, the costs for unsustainable growth will be forced onto all of us. Immigration affects us in rising living costs, congestion, climate change, jobs, education and training, limited natural resources - every aspect of our lives is being squeezed! Our leaders are being lured into making decisions that support economic growth, but few except the wealthy elite actually benefit. Nothing can grow forever!

If you go back to the first articles written when the rally was just an idea being promoted for the first time, you will see that part of the disapproval for the rally came from peoples' feeling that the rally would reinforce that kind of bad behaviour. I don't think that you would find the average wildlife carer hooning down the road without regard to wildlife crossing. It is up to the community and ultimately the police to stop hooning. Official encouragement of racing through the valley basically says that the State government does not care about cruelty, wildlife, nature, climate, resource conservation, democracy, or law and order. They only care about money, and they don't care that the money someone is making out of this will cost the residents of Tweed Valley much more than any possible profit. Street hoons, as bad as they are, don't have to pull to get hoon politicians to destroy democracy and the law in order to let them 'belch music and dust'. It takes a corporation to overturn a law against local inhabitants. That is a VERY BAD THING. And that is pretty much what corporations have done since the industrial production of fossil fuel and the formation of the British East India Company. Corporations, like corporate governments, only care about money. For this reason they will destroy absolutely everything and then themselves, if they are allowed to continue as they have been. Sheila Newman, population sociologist

You can see the moving footage involving the poor horses here: You are not alone in finding the absence of obviously burned material in the coyote photos suspicious under the claimed circumstances. It sounds though as if the incident did really happen but that the photographs may not be reliable. it says, "A representative from Joe Gibbs racing was able to confirm the incident did in fact happen but was unable to verify the pictures." You can read more about the 'accident' involving the poor coyote I can understand that there is a mechanical interest in cars as a high technology machine and in the aesthetics of the craft. I am not unaware of the incredible magic of cars and planes, which I think will not last for much longer due to the cost of fuel. The motor industry must involve a large amount of different kinds of people in the car manufacturing, repair and design industries, who got into it years ago out of simple mechanical ability and interest. The industry must contain some reasonable people. I would like to hear from anyone in that industry who can see why it is inappropriate to influence a government to over-rule its own laws in favour of racing cars through a national park. Sheila Newman, population sociologist

I wrote to Rees and others, As above has been stated,

The way the rally was railroaded over our rights as residents and not even the courtesy to ask or the insight to see this is a diverse sensitive area with wildlife and residents in the midst of the rally - beggars belief.

It was-" you have dirt roads and bugger the rest, and it's nearest to the TWEED and gold coast luxury".

Even avid rally enthusiasts were dismayed that it was on public roads in an environmentally sensitive and beautiful area.

We do pay rates and get little road maintenance for it...nothing else.

What we get is Tiled paved footpaths in town (done 6 months before the rally) anda 2 kilometre foot path 1km out of town right in front of the paddock showground where no one walks?
But campers for the rally paying $50 per night (to the council) can walk to the vet? No correction, the start of one of the rally routes and walk into town.

Some Rally spectators have assured me the roads will be regraded by Repco? They will be better and smoother than ever before(we shall see) probably just before the rally returns?

After the rally, our road is now worse than before,

After the rally, our road is now worse than before, large sharp tyre piecing rocks have been gouged out as have holes that have been filled -- now the road is rougher than ever!

We have to drive it. much more often and at less than RTA speeds, unlike the rally cars! WE PAY to use it - Repco, WRC and the FAI do not!

Will Repco-WRC-FAI act as fast as they ran to Rees and FAI and bulldozed the rally into our area? Or will they act like has been done on some other of the rally routes and grade the roads just before the next rally starts?

To add to the sliding-around-corners excitement as they miss a tree/fence or animal and rural kids watching in their paddock.
Well, there were thousands of strangers in Kyogle, the main street a the pits stop mechanical repair area all sunday. What a contrast ,a small town swelled 5 x its population, set in the backdrop of National parks and rainforests, but of course the millions of dollars money made? the one or 2 day jobs created.The Sebastien Loeb team filling a motel.

Will the skills of 1800 volunteer "öfficials" translate into real jobs?
Will it equal or surpass the millions of taxpayer $ paid to host it?
Or do we wait to see if tourism to the area is boosted as rally spectators world wide flock here to get a bag of road dust or drive on the roads and take photos? When hundreds of Aussiewide rally enthusiasts chose to stay at home???

Repco did not honour or respect the residents, bar by posted out giving us resident stickers to enable "free spectating in any rally route"

They did not send out party packs.

They did not ask how many extra tickets may be needed.

They did not return to advise of road closing times,window periods or even when and where we could go look at this spectacle of environmentally friendly road tearing rally racing near us?

Nor to the dismay of locals rally enthusiasts did Repco supply free beer/drinks and food.

The govt even enacted law to stop property owners making a small profit having paid camping.

They also did not advise about medical care in an emergency,or evacuation - lucky no child was bitten by a snake or someone in need of urgent help or their house was burning.

But why should they, it wasn't a residents public relations event our own elected NSW Govt had said no matter to the rights of rate paying residents and democracy doesn't account for them anymore.
I am ashamed and dismayed that a fellow pupil of my same high school could end up a premier of NSW that would then shaft my rights in favour of French influencing Australians or go in cohorts to plan scams against the environment and to Wreck Rural Choice for a rally on public roads!

No, Not in the city or near their homes.

No one thinks big of you Rees or Repco, the way you have sneaked in and pretended to care, knowing full well it was a done deal Months ago.

I did go and see one section of the rally, ($600 a year something back) And I do appreciate the skill and daring of the drivers, I was impressed with the keenness, the very friendly crowd and low key enthusiasm.

The oddity of most filming instead of looking at the cars directly? as they came into view for a few seconds from (3 kilometres away,) TV does capture it better....

Most of all the quietness and patience of the crowd to wait hours for 20 cars.

But dismayed by the dust still 20 metrrs in the air while the cars were 3ks ahead,the over the top police presence, choppers and RIOT SWAT teams??

All that paid public $$$ for 150 or more police wages for 3 days!!
What terrorism would residents or protestors do? To warrant that,
but behold a police state in power.

We knew this event was done and dusted well in advance and the disregard for our citizens and councils rights.

Well Rees and Repco show the benefits the millions $$ made over and above the taxes paid to hold the rally.

Prove it! You're gutless we know,

Show it is perfectly harmless and enhances the environment of this sensitive area.

You know it wasn't right for here because you legistlated underhandly! so no one could have the right to ask for our rights or concerns to be cared about!

It is better out in the dusty roads of the Qld outback.Or Dakhar or acid rain dead European Forests.

Koalas, platypus and wildlife and sensitive forests are places of rarity and peace.

Speed noise and crowds and Rallying are in such contrast and opposite for this area.

We wouldn't see Big trucks and Trailbiking races on Byron or Bondi Beaches as appropriate.

It is the same for here.

Tarmac and highrise and F1 racing go hand in hand where nature has been ripped out and concreted over.

As for those who put rocks on the road it was dumb, but such is the frustration and incredible disregard shown to Locals and ultimately all Australians who want to know that they have rights that mean they are heard.

when that is gone as it is now.

Those with any fight and not meekly saying this is OK will take some stupid and desperate actions.

It should be known that rally races have sweepers go ahead of the drivers and would see such obstacles - the police trail bikes went through slowly 3 x times before the race.

The SWAT team's truck and several police cars 3 x before as well as 10 Race officials' cars.

And of course car 0.

The rocks may have been put there in the brief space between each contestant and that is stupid.

Perhaps it didn't happen?

Much like the media and government fallacy about people freezing dead wildlife to place on roads. Road kill is very messy and usually very smelly and too large for freezers, Nor is it common driving at 40KPH on the current conditions of the roads or you will be your own road kill!

I was run off the road prior to event weekend. By some idiot, So why are stupid rally supporters not indicative of all?

I suppose the only way for most in favour to get a grasp of how this has over-ridden our rights is imagine if The Gay Mardi Gras was going to go the whole weekend in your suburban streets without your consent or consult.

(Subject was: "Turn the other cheek..." - JS) I'm sorry but I find it somewhat hypocritical for protesters to come out in force when professional drivers, in highly tuned cars, on closed circuits monitored by medics, media and clean up crews are frowned upon in the Tweed Valley. I'm a resident of the Tweed Valley and anyone who lives here knows it's a popular place for the outdoor drug/alchohol fueled unauthorized "Doof" parties that "". We sit tight lipped when The Valley is regularly subject to "amplified music played for up to 24 hours duration" which must really get the wildlife's heart racing. Hordes of teens, adults and shocking as it may seem ferals descend on these same thin unlit dirt roads but do so with little regard for their surroundings. They belch music and dust, excessively speed, park where they see fit, get loaded then drive. I'm sure they're very sympathetic to the wildlife crossing the road late at night and dispose of their refuse/waste carefully. The owner of this site uses the analogy that Repco is racing cars through a Cathedral every two years, well why not the Cathedral is throwing illegal Raves whenever it wants! So where are the protesters to place rocks on the road? Where are the people blocking their way? Where are the thrown rocks ()? Don't misunderstand me I'm supportive of your right to protest. I agree that the rally plan needs to be subject to democratic process, but infringing on the rights of others and spouting conjecture simply because a corporation is involved and a TV camera is near by polarizes me further from your cause.

Talk about over hyping an event up. The photos you show on this event are fake and misleading. The blue car at the bottom with coyote in grille isn't even a rally car. Never would a rally car be designed in such a way. What a crock. Protests like this get in the way of the other good work that is done. Pull ya heads in!!!!

Victoria is already the most cleared and damaged State. Under our Brumby government, Victoria is heading further towards being dry and arid, and paved by concrete infrastructures and housing. They won't be happy until all of Victoria is cleared and concreted! Chopping down our old-growth forests and clearing "dangerous" vegetation in the Dandenongs and Upper Yarra Ranges will not make Victoria more liveable, or safe. Only 8% of Victoria's old-growth forests areas remain! Trees produce oxygen, help produce rain, provide homes for wildlife and biodiversity, and absorb heat. Our ecology is under serious threat, and climate change will continue to devastate our lives. The Leadbeater’s Possum is Victoria’s endangered State Faunal Emblem. Salvage logging and new timber harvesting coupes are compounding the effects of bushfires on their habitat. There are only an estimated 1,000 animals left! We need to learn to live with our life-supporting ecology, not destroy it! The Brumby government is guilty of environmental ignorance and vandalism. Victoria, the jewell, is becoming a tinder-box. Even our emblem threatened species and their habitat is being destroyed!

Hi, Miriam. Your feelings are much the same as my own. Whilst it is understandable that anyone learning of the injustice committed against Schapelle Corby and her desperate circumstances, would want to consider such desperate measures to procure her freedom, I can guarantee that they would have almost zero chance of working and almost 100% chance of making her plight even worse than it is now. Our only hope is to make the conclusive case supporting Schapelle's innocence more widely known in order to force our politicans to act (or if they don't act, throw them out of office and replace them with politicians who will).

A most interesting article. I don't watch much TV at all and I don't read sensational stuff in newspapers because I don't trust it. Yet I have to admit that, with the little I did hear, see and read, I succumbed to the 'convicted criminal' and 'sister, daughter, of drug pushers' stuff that obviously has been going round and round and round without an answer. The video was fantastic. It made me cry for Shapelle. I agree that she must be got out of there. One way or another, and not necessarily legally. Is anyone raising money to get her out - for instance with a bribe to have someone help her escape? Miriam

The response covers everything in the above post "I know you lot think you are" except the bared bottoms. I didn't know about the bared bottoms. Sounds very dangerous. Could cause laughter on such a serious occasion. Someone might choke on a hot dog or something. I certainly hope someone got this on camera. Please send any photographs to us via the 'contact' link at the top left corner. Seriously though, I am embarrassed (and worried) that Australia would host noisy, dirty, dusty, road-tearing car races through national parks - places of awe, peace and wonder. That's a hell of a lot worse than baring a bottom, and it's not even funny. It's pornographic. It's violent. And it's an anachronism. We aren't in the early 20th century when motor cars were a novelty and some people thought their fumes were better than horse manure. We now know differently. Cars are dangerous in every way. They are a total luxury, as is the petroleum on which they run. Yes, I do own a car. I use it occasionally. I am fortunate to be able to walk to work. Cars have become a necessity for many people because our land-use has been planned around them since the second world war. This is a pity because it cannot last. Something else I cannot understand: If you wanted to repopularise the motor car, or downplay the excessive pollution of racing cars, why on earth would you hold a race in a World Heritage Natural area where koalas - increasingly endangered - still live? You would have to have rocks in your head. I would love to know who thought this one up. Please, someone, let us know on candobetter and we will make him or her into the laughing-stock they should be. There should be a prize for this kind of extreme bad advertising. Sheila Newman, population sociologist

I know you lot think you are justified but I for one think you are a bunch of IDIOTS! And how embarrassing were those who bared their bottoms!! That was so gross!!! Then you have the TOTAL MORONS that deliberately place ROCKS in the path of these cars, ENDANGERING the lives of the drivers!!! and the public watching!!!! What is that!!!! Where are your BRAINS!!! At least your common sense!!! This rally brings INTERNATIONAL recognition to the community, their businesses and the overall economy. One WEEK out of the year!!!! That ONE week brings in more money to your own community than all the other weeks of the YEAR!!! Grow up!!!! Look at the bigger picture!!! I seriously hope you all the WORSE OF LUCK with your campaign!!!!

That's what I would have said until last Saturday, but I now know that Schapelle Corby is innocent. The best way to end the punishment that you agree is excessive, is to make the fact that she is innocent widely known. Please read carefully the above article, view the YouTube broadcasts and study other material about the case at the sites linked to, If anything still causes you to doubt her innocence, please say so here, so that I or others can respond.

The following letter was printed in the Age on 7-9-09; reprinted here due to its great importance. Illogical reaction ON ASH Wednesday, I tried to evacuate with my three toddlers. This was a mistake. We became trapped and sat out the conflagration in a park in Upper Beaconsfield. It felt like a war zone. In the meantime, my husband and a neighbour fought for their lives in a foot of water in Cardinia Creek. They were lucky to survive. Nevertheless, we have since planted 50,000 trees. John Brumby's decision to encourage extensive vegetation removal in the green wedges shows he has little understanding of the complexities of bushfire behaviour. This autocratic kneejerk reaction to Black Saturday is illogical and counterproductive. Rosalie Counsell, Harkaway

I remember this case as it was covered on television, i just cannot comprehend what drives someone to do such a horrible thing to a poor animal. They even filmed it on their mobile phone so they could relive the glory. I just hope there is karma in the world and people who do terrible things pay for them eventually.

Regardless of innocence or guilt, the punishment has been excessive. The Australian government should be doing more to get her out of there.

I too was at the rally, as a protestor. Yes it is a beautiful part of the world, equal in its biodiversity values to Kakadu actually. Part of the reason it is so beautiful, and rich in biodiversity (which is rare) is that it has been largely unspoiled. The people who have chosen to live in this region for decades have done so because of its beauty and natural environment. Yes you had a nice time for a few days. We, who live here, deal with the interruptions, the rubbish, our towns being taken over, but ALL of us pay the bill. We are paying for the rally with our taxes. You might be for the rally, but what happens when the government decides to host something YOU don't approve of? and pays for it with your money? You might feel annoyed. We are not protesting the rally purely for itself, we are advocating on behalf of the environment, we are protesting the fact that our rights have been taken away and that public funds are being inappropriately used. We have a right to protest and represent a wide cross section of the community including teachers, doctors, lawyers, grannies, farmers, artists, retirees, ordinary people just like you. A lot of fuss has been made about the alleged rock throwing protestors (not true) and some graffiti (we have to live with all kinds of graffiti all the time, that the government/council never bother to clean up). And we too have suffered a lot of stereotyping - "hippies" "druggies" the most common shouts at us were "get a job" and "get a life" (how articulate). We have them. A range of jobs, and rich lives. Unfortunately no media coverage has been given to the aggro pro rally spectators - burly men intimidating (women) protestors, trespassing to knock down protest signs on private property, tailgating and yelling "go rally" as they overtake while speeding excessively, yelling obscenities and threats. Oh yeah, but they are the minority! Thankfully they are, but a much bigger minority than the few alleged rock throwers. I wonder if you were at the cross roads of Sand St and Wommin Bay Rd Kingscliff as the event wrapped up yesterday? There were a few of the yobbo minority doing their thing and swearing at the protestors, but there was an amazing moment where about 60 rally spectators actually stopped and listened to the protestor speeches. It was as if they finally realised that we were actually fighting for their rights (and yours) as well. Even though the police have been advising fans not to follow the example of the drivers by speeding, there is one example they can take - the fairness of the drivers. The protestors who met the rally drivers said they were actually very nice guys who said they didn't know that the rally was going through areas of such environmental value or that they were going past people's houses, and a couple even commented they thought "greenies were good people". Mikko Hirvonen also stated that even though he was in the lead during the alleged rock throwing, he didn't see anything like that happen. Yes, it was a perfect weekend - almost... it felt good to connect with people who cared enough to front up in spite of intimidation to fight for a worthwhile cause, if only there wasn't that darn rally going on....

I happen to agree that, even if Schapelle Corby is guilty and even if I agreed with the laws prohibiting drugs, a 20 year drug sentence is excessive in the extreme. (See abovementioned web site for views on drug harm minimisation that are close to my own.)

However the fact remains that she, and her whole family are totally innocent of any involvement in drug trafficking, so, unlike the and the rest of the Bali 9 (who face the death penalty, thanks to the almost equally shameful conduct of the Australian Federal Police in regard to them), she is not even 'small fry' in the game.

Of course, to be totally pedantic, no-one can know anything with absolute certainty in this world.

But I am even more certain that Schapelle Corby is innocent of the charge of trafficking cannabis to Bali as I am certain that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is innocent.

If you look at the article, you will see that:

1. The evidence against Schapelle Corby is almost non-existent. It consists of the physical presence of cannabis in her bag that she had only retrieved minutes before, and the word of two airport employees.

2. Evidence that could have confirmed her guilt if she was guilty or, alternatively, proved her innocence if she was innocent, was withheld or destroyed. This strongly suggests that the Police needed to conceal that evidence knowing that proof of Schapelle Corby's innocence would almost certainly have led to the conclusion that the Police themselves, or, else, someone they were protecting, were guilty.

3. At all points in the investigation and trial Schapelle Corby acted exactly as we would expect an innocent person to have acted.

Schappelle is a scapegoat, a convenient deterrent for other would-be drug importers and exporters. She is one of the small fry, possibly set up to show that something is being done in Bali to stop drugs.

However, like Barlow and Chambers, the small runners were targetted while the big players are safe. The knats are drained but the camels get through! Even if she was guilty, the "crime" is non-violent and people take drugs voluntarily. A 20 year sentence is a violation of human rights. Before the elections, K Rudd made promises about getting her out, (just like stopping Japan's whaling) but now of course he just ignores her! Our government wouldn't like to "upset" Australian/Indonesian "friendship"!

Firstly, is a site to inform the public about the important environmental, social, and economic and other political issues of the day and a site on which to hold discussions about those issue.

The -3329">above comment, at face value, is not the sort of content we would normally encourage to be posted to this site.

At face value, it is an innocent, well-meaning statement about what an (almost) perfect weekend this fun-seeking, life-loving and well-meaning fellow and a large number of like-minded people, together with their families, had in the Kyogle and Tweed Rivers regions 'spectating' the races this weekend just past. At face value, it is fluff.

But, of course, it is not.

What it actually is is an intellectually dishonest attempt to argue the case for the World Rally, but which avoids acknowleging the reasons why local residents and environmentalists so strongly objected.

Note how this comment has neither acknowledged the content of -3304">comment to which it appears to be in reply (although, in fact, that comment is a pro-Rally comment, contrary to my own initial impressions as I have -3333">explained elsewhere), nor the content of the article itself.

The article is based upon a letter from a local pensioner to NSW Premier Nathan Rees. The letter objects to the way that local residents are getting fewer and fewer services and being charged ever more rates.

Once again, he has explained that he has been forced to spend "$3000 on car repairs just to able to access [his] home" because of the poor maintenance of the roads.

He has described how the road has been fixed only to hold the rally and that those repairs paid for out of his rates are likely to be destroyed by holding that rally.

He has described how his life would have been put at risk if their had been a medical emergency and access to his home had been blocked.

None of this elederly pensioner's stated anguish over the prospect of the staging of the Rally appears to have moved the person who wrote the comment in the least.

The comment describes as "disgusting" actions taken by local residents to protest against the rally imposed upon them and to impede its operation. I would be most interested to know precisely what instances of "vandalism" he/she claims occurred, that is, other than 'graffiti' and the much sensationalised claims that rocks had been placed on the road and stones thrown at cars (which could just as easily have been done by people attempting to discredit anti-Rally protestors).

I would be interested to know how this alleged vandalism compares to the damage that will almost certainly have been inflicted upon local roads and for which local rateayers will have to foot the bill in order to repair and I would like to know how this alleged vandalism would compare to the physical and psychological damage that will have been caused to local wildlife many species of which are endangered.

He/she writes, "to stereotype rally fans as a bunch of petrol head louts intent on destroying the earth is completely unfounded and ignorant."

In fact, I am unaware that anyone attempted to stereotype all "rally fans" thus, but a number clearly are, and have shown themselves to be by what they have to this site. If they are not "intent on destroying the earth," they are certainly don't care about the harm that their chosen recreation is causing to the environment.

I am sure that many spectators would probably claim to favour protecting the environment and have found ways to rationalise to themselves that the Repco Rally has not harmed the environment, but their professed concern for the environment clearly is contrary to their actions.

In regard to the person that wrote this commment, whether or not he/she is a "petrol head lout" he/has has shown himself to be selfishly indifferent to the wishes and needs of the human and wildlife residents of the area.

He brazenly states how much he/she would "like to come back soon for a holiday." I know for a fact that he/she does return he won't be welcome by local residents who truly love and care for the area.

Having gone over the above rather cryptically written comment a number of times, I have finally worked out the point the above comment is making.

He/she claims to be a wildlife carer, 'originally neutral, nay even ambivalent to the event', but has come around to supporting the Rally for a number of reasons including:

1. That the claimed harm that the rally will cause to local wildlife and the environment are overstated;

2. 'Silent majorities' (sic) have approved the rally 'judging by the turnouts and positive clamour in the streets'.

3. Claims that he/she has "witnessed nothing but professional courteous conduct from the 'other side'."

Claims that risk to wildlife and environment exaggerated?

In regards, to point 1, how can we know that the rally will not cause harm to local wildlife, when no proper environmental assessment has been conducted and a large number of laws previously enacted in NSW to protect the environment in NSW have been negated in legislation puy before the NSW Parliament with the specific purpose of allowing the rally to proceed?

As pointed out elsewhere the expert whose views the World Rally organisation used to justify the decision to hold the rally at one stage retracted that view. Every other credible environmental expert who has become familiar with the issue of the rally has opposed the holding of the rally.

I did not attend the protests against the rally, but I have been that a pheasant was struck (but, fortunately not killed) by a rally spectator who broke the traffic laws and overtook across double lines. When the incident was reported to the police and the registration number of the offending car supplied, she was told that they were not dealing with such complaints.

Clearly the prediction that "nought but a frillneck [will be] harmed by this weekends events" is no more than wishful thinking, especially given that no experienced wildlife carers, except for one 'environmental scientist', clearly not the same thing have been employed by the rally organisers.

Given that the Rally organisers can be expected to do their utmost to cover up any deaths of or injury to wildlife, the full extent of the immediate carnage may never be known.

What will also be difficult to determine is to what extent the disturbance by overflying helicopters, car noise and noise from rally spectators will have on the state of mind of the wildlife and their breeding cycles.

How can anyone predict that in one or two year's time that we will learn that yet more endangered Australian wildlife from this region are either close to extinction or extinct?

If the person who wrote the above post was the true wildlife carer that he/she claims to be, we would expect him/her to stick around and offer his/her comments as opponents of the rally attempt to evaluate the extent of harm caused to wildlife by the Rally of last weekend.

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"

In regard to the 'silent majority', bandwagon argument:

How are we to ascertain that most residents have come around to supporting the rally given the absence of scientifically accurate opinion polls?

Even if it could be proven to be the case, is such opinion based on informed choice, when real debate over the issue has been avoided in the local counciel and the newsmedia (with one or two honourable exceptions)?

If opinion in the area in favour of the rally is so solid as is claimed, why was all this necessary?

Unfortunately it seems likely that the psychological warfare has succeeded in manipuating some local opinion including the person who wrote the above post, that is assuming that his/her claim to be a wildlife carer is at all genuine.

It seems to me that not a few amongst us find it difficult to cope psychologically with having their opinions repeatedly disregarded by the authorities and the newsmedia. Rather than remain seemingly perpetually on the losing side they rationalise to themselves that their opposition to the authorities' decision was wrong after all and decide to jump on the bandwagon.

Something similar seems to have occurred in 2003 when a strong majority of Australian public opinion opposed to the invasion of Iraq in the face of then Prime Minister John Howard's obstinate determinatin to proceed and relentless media lies, became a minority, although barely so. Eventually that minority became a majority again, but it did not save Australia and the rest of the world from untold harm in the meantime.

Wherever the truth about claims of public support for the Rally in Tweed and Kyogle shires may turn out to be, I don't believe that those who preached essentially "if you can't beat them, join them" as this person has, will be able to hold their heads high in the not-too-distant future about having said that.

Dear Cute Furry Animalismist, Please refer to where the historical myths you believe are analysed and found wanting. Once I would have agreed with you, simply because I believed whatever I was told by anointed authorities. Unfortunately, critical reading and observing tells me something quite different. Australians are gradually waking up from a kind of dream where politicians and the mainstream media were like Daddy and Mummy and you couldn't question anything they said because it would be disruptive. Time to grow up and look after information ourselves. And, rather sad, don't you think, that we have been made to feel ashamed of liking cute and furry creatures? It doesn't mean that we don't appreciate our magnificent and amusing birds or thrill to see the grace of a green snake curving through long sunlit grass, or enjoy the music of frogs in marshes, or frankly admire the electric colours and large eyes of dragon and damsel flies. Sheila Newman, population sociologist Copyright to the author. Please contact sheila [AT] candobetter org or if you wish to make substantial reproduction or republish.

(Subject was undescriptively "Please expand your knowledge" - JS) Have you ever read an indemnity form for any sporting event, e.g, Horse Trail Riding, White Water Rafting, Rock Climbing etc? They are all the same and they don't all damage your environment.

Unfortunately not all of your information and concerns are correct. Today is Monday after the big event in the Kyogle region. Yes I will agreee that actual cash may not have been spent in all businesses in Kyogle on this weekend, but I can guarentee that our accomodation and food outlts did very well, and I thank all our visitors for that.

Yes we may all have some concerns about the environment and whether or not the businesses made money or not, BUT what about the excessive amounts of money that were made for charity. Fundraising on Webbs road, at the Moore Property, for a new Dialysis Machine for the Hospital was hugely successful and spectators from all around the world were more that willing to give the community a helping hand. Also the O'Reilly family at Ghinni Ghi road where there was another viewing area raised a large amount of money for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. Without our outside visitors none of this would be possible. Let us also remember that both the hospital and the rescue helicopter do not discriminate between who they help in the community, they help all of us, and without this fundraising, ALL OF US DO NOT HAVE THESE FACILITIES.

One thing though, everyone has the right to protest peacefully, but when violence is involved, and the throwing of stones at passing cars, I am sorry I draw the line, this becomes terrorism.

Just returned home from amazing weekend spectating at the rally. Everyone we met and talked to was incredibly friendly and happy, a wonderful atmosphere at each spectator point, lots of happy families enjoying the excitement together. All visitors, like us, agreeing on what a beautiful part of the world the northern rivers area is and how much we'd like to come back soon for a holiday. Everywhere we went people were waving and cheering and smiling as we traveled by, in fact the only disgusting thing experienced all weekend was the destruction of property, vandalism and graffiti caused by a small handful of protesters. We are a diverse bunch of people that have to share this earth. We all have different hobbies, passions and beliefs. But to stereotype rally fans as a bunch of petrol head louts intent on destroying the earth is completely unfounded and ignorant.

Invasions happen in different ways. As our homeland was invaded violently, and we were invited to settle elsewhere, we did notice the stress of the natives on our increasing numbers. As only the very young and healthy were allowed to settle, they soon become a force in a community. They displaced the poorer and less able. They soon forced up prices of housing, and families were forced to scatter. There were tears from people at auctions, when one of the invaders bought a house, next to them. We have laws that protect "Heritage Places", the main reason is that people should have a sense of belonging to an "environment", yet no concern is given by the ruling class to the social heritage of a population. Now that I am older, I understand the tears of the invaded people, and their sometimes violent anger. How would I be? In a place, the ruling class often reminded me that it belonged to me and family, to protect and die for, only to see it freely given to strangers, and sometime former enemies. The Australian Immigration plan, is a long term plan merely to provide a Fortress against Asia, similar to the creation of Israel and Afghanistan. The added bonus, at the same time you have more sheep in the paddock to shear. Debate about population increase is not allowed. It sometime happens when people loose their guard, and voice a doubt, they quickly withdraw the remark. Its as if they were Holocaust deniers or questioned why New York was bombed! It may be good to stifle debate, and have total control of the sheep in the paddock. The ruling class Gods may be a better outcome, than unruly debate? Yet, I sometimes hunger for honesty and freedom of thought.

Kangaroos and other wildlife were much more prevalent in the past than now! They have suffered loss of habitat from the livestock industries and urban growth, and massive number losses due to the commercial killing industry. Historical evidence is contrary to this absurd official statement used to justify the "plague" of kangaroos theory: Kangaroo numbers in Australia have increased substantially since European settlement due to the development of the pastoral industry resulting in increased availability of food and watering points. Based on scientific advice commercial harvesting of the dominant kangaroo species has been determined to be an ecological sustainable means of managing Australia's kangaroo population. This is pure fiction and is to justify the ongoing massacre of our wonderful and iconic wildlife. How can we protest to Japan regarding their whaling and their dolphin massacres while we keep attacking and hunting down our wonderful kangaroos? Kangaroo populations don't need managing - it is human populations that are out of control. In 220 years since Colonial history, we have wreaked havoc on our environment. Kangaroos have lived harmoniously here for millions of years. Rabbits are an introduced pest. "Humanist" , you have coloured rocks in the head! Narcissism, an irrational herding instinct and destructive arrogance are all part of Homo Sapiens evolutionary flaws!

I do not know what part of Australia you have been looking at, but in the last 50 years, many parts of Victoria, have been abandoned to the bush. In many areas there were people, in a controlled environment, very much like the original "Aboriginal" settlers, attempting to make a basic life, to survive. In my life time many areas around Port Phillip Bay and the Western District have more trees and bush than there have been before even before European settlement. "Aborigines" controlled their environment to a greater extent than is commonly understood. "Aborigines" were people with brains and logic similar to ours. They did have the capacity to think, and, engineer their environment to ensure their own survival. The common belief in Australia, that "Aborigines" are merely an animal 2 IQ points above the Kangaroo, is just racist s%!#. Melbourne came close to barbecuing 300,000 people plus loosing much infrastructure. If you want to see what a fire in a city looks like, see the fire bombing of Tokyo, 1940's films. How do you find enough punishment for the murder of 300,000 Australians?

The large number of kangaroos,is the product of European settlement in Australia.

The emotional hogwash that pretends to be about protecting the Earth and what is "natural", allways comes from people with vested interests, or, of those with a life simply spend in front of a television in an air conditioined apartment, with an IQ below 80.

(Subject was 'Kangaroos'. - JS)

The Kangaroo or any other animal compete for survival. The Kangaroo with the help of European technology has been given a boost, to dominate the the enviroment at the expense of other species.

The Kangaroo in some areas is a bigger problem than the rabbit, on the environment, but because it is a species that has been here longer than others we have to accept different rules.

Only fundamentalists refuse to accept the reality of the earth.

It was bad enough when we have to put with the s#!% piles of the Theocratic looneys, now we have the new Gods of "Cute Furry Animalism".

Whats next sacred coloured rocks.

Sacred sewerage?

Please go back to watching TV, enjoy Walt Disney shit, until you have a brain transplant.

What they have done to Schapelle Corby is a strain on humanity. It is barbaric cruelty and mental torture and is STILL ongoing. When are people going to open their eyes and see through the lies? When she is dead?

The truth is also documented in the 106K PDF document

It's 41 pages and heavy, but it speaks for itself.

It is the shame of a nation. Rudd has to be forced to get her out of there, immediately, or she may be coming home in a box, a damning symbol of a corrupt media and cowardly government.

Of Interest, to quote the Northern Star Drivers kick up at the dust LEADING drivers in this week's Repco Rally Australia have questioned the safety of the course following two days of reconnaissance in the Tweed and Kyogle shires. At the pre-event press conference at Kingscliff yesterday afternoon, Norwegian Henning Solberg ... said dust could prove the most dangerous aspect of the rally. Hoping to avoid the problems of dust obscuring visibility, Solberg said he had asked organisers to consider increasing the time between competitors from two to three minutes. “I have to say and I said the same after the reccy (reconnaissance) that the stages in the forests are going to be dangerous,” he said. “If the dust stays in the wind it is going to be dangerous. I have tried to have this moved before and they said no, so maybe we'll see what happened in Sardinia. “I hope they can think about it because it's the stage like today that will be a problem but the stage in the forests that will be a big, big problem.” ... Rally Australia chairman Garry Connelly said he was aware of the request but did not commit to a decision. ...

Any racing hoons creating noise pollution and threats to wildlife should be removed from the park by Park Rangers, with the help of police. If all avenues to justice are exhausted by the "greenies", how are they to uphold the values of the national park? Justice is more about power of corporations, jobs and income rather than policies and the environment or animals. Justice is about money and power, and those who have it can have their own way. Clearly, environmentalists don't have this money, and the State Government is corrupt enough to allow this event to happen. Our Federal Government remains silent!

Under Premier Brumby, Victoria is heading towards a dry and arid state, and over -populated by concrete infrastructures and people. His advice to chop down trees and clear the "rubbish" undergrowth is vandalism of our ecology. He won't be happy until all of Victoria is cleared and concreted! He is determined to chop down our old-growth forests and clear "dangerous" leafy areas. Only 8% of old-growth areas remain! Trees produce oxygen, provide homes for wildlife and biodiversity, and shade to cool the ground. With urban sprawl and denuding of vegetation, our ecology is under serious threat, and climate change will continue to devastate our lives. People in outer areas want to escape the rat-race, and now they are in the fire-line of our over-heated summers. We need to learn to live within our environment, not destroy it! Mr Brumby is guilty of environmental ignorance and vandalism. Victoria, the jewel State that had it all, is becoming a tinder-box and is being destroyed.

I expect few readers will have failed to understand the intended twist in John Ernst's comment. The 'hoons' are not the World Rally organisation and the spectators who have invaded a tranquil and beautiful area in order to inflict upon its human wildlife residents the horrifically dangerous and destructive sport of motor racing.

Rather the 'hoons' are the local residents who have tried every peaceful means to have their sound objections to this event listened to. Every democratic avenue to have their will prevail in their own region, for the benefit of endangered wildlfe, as well as themselves, have been blocked off by despotic unconscionable actions of the local councils together with the widely despised New South Wales Labor Government.

None of this is acknowledged by John Ernst or the media.

Nor is the risk to the lives of people as well as wildlife in the area.

As well as the risk of being struck by cars, may elderly residents with medical conditions because they and visitors will not be able to move freely to and from their homes during the rally.

Instead of these dangers to wildlfe and residents and repeated breaking of road laws by rally spectators, not to mention rally competitors, the media have chosen predictably to focus attention on accusations against some anti-rally protestors.

I think we can best judge who are the hoons from the mouths of rally supporters themselves.

On 2 September, one rally supporter going by the name IhateGREENIES posted the following comment:

Lol, are you kidding me! the world rally championship is awesome, f#*# the wildlife, i say go faster round those corners and keep it here in oz. haha greeny wankers

I judged it better to leave the comment there in order to show the mindset of at least some of the rally spectators, but another site contributor found this comment offensive and understandably deleted it.

In view of such hypocritical attempts by some rally supporters to claim the high moral ground, including the above, I feel it is necessary to publish it again.

I have been contacted by Environment East Gippsland (EEG) to let me know of some errors in the above article. Rather than remove it entirely, I am publishing the comments from EEG below. Apparently these logging jobs are not public servants' jobs; they are done by private logging contractors which VicForests pays to log the forests.


Considering just 8% of Victoria’s old growth forests remain, you would think the Victorian State government would continue its seven month moratorium on logging at Brown mountain in far east Gippsland. You really have to wonder who the Environment Minister Gavin Jennings is kidding when he states “the old growth forest surrounding Brown Mountain is not top grade old growth forest and did not warrant protecting”.

EEG Comment: This is the area where radio carbon dating showed a medium sized tree-stump freshly cut down was 600 years old. How old does he want forests to be before he deems them 'significant'?

It is hard to know who to believe about the real worth of the old growth forest surrounding Brown Mountain when a VicForests spokesperson says the area to be logged is “exceptional forest” and “seventy five percent will become high-grade saw logs”.

If you take the entire biomass of a forest including the trees and understory without commercial value, they actually turn 2-3% of a forest into timber.

If it is exceptional old growth forest, you would think the state government would be falling over itself to protect it.

Trying to appease some very angry environmentalists, the Victorian Environmental Minister has set aside 400 hectares of old growth forest around Brown Mountain to offset what will be logged. The only problem is
century old trees will be logged while much of the 400 hectares set aside was logged in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

It was old growth that was already protected because we found a potoroo there 7 years ago. He announced the protection of already protected forest.

Just in case you think hundreds of privately employed timber workers are going to lose their jobs; the logging will be carried out by the state’s timber arm VicForests.

Actually, VicForests oversees the logging which private logging contractors do.

Yep folks that’s right, no private contractors jobs are at stake and the employees who work for VicForests who will be doing the logging could be re-deployed into other jobs in the state’s commercial arm VicForests.

If that were true, even so, VicForests does little else but cut down forests. That is their principle purpose, it seems.

It seems the decision to log the old growth forests at Brown Mountain has more to do with the state government protecting its tough pro-logging image than it has to do with the state making any money out of logging
the old growth forests at Brown Mountain.

We think it is all about land clearing to lock up public land into converted tree farms that are intensively managed for wood pulp. It is not about regeneration. It's conversion. The wood that they get from it is secondary. In our view it is the land it sits on that they are after. The Errinudra Plateau is perfect for their needs: flat topography, high rainfall, good soil - and all paid for by the mugsy taxpayer.

Exactly my thoughts given that most of the attendees at the rally appear to be families with small children it was less than impressive to see the type of hoon behavior which resulted in fences cut, rocks thrown and dead animals collected of the road and kept in freezers in order to be thrown back on the road by moronic ghouls. These hoons need to be locked up, but not in a prison but a secure mental health facility. In the meanwhile I have to admit that the predictions of doom and gloom have neither materialized or been based in any facts, well done rally organizers competitors and volunteers who have been able to demonstrate that of all the forms of Motorsport that rallying has the nicest people. Now if the protesters can regain some sort of control over the hoons we can all get on a enjoy ourselves.

The comment below has now been published and replied to in this article:

"You greenies who are responsible for putting boulders on the road and throwing rocks might get charged with attempted manslaughter or murder if you are not careful. It is not a joke to do these things, one could expect it in a third world country but one would have hoped that in a so called educated society things like this would not happen. If you want to protest then do it in a more effective way than risking the life of another human being!

And do not bother denying it had anything to do with your movement, you ARE tarred with the brush in the same way that you like to tar motorsport with the "hooning" brush.

I watched the you tube video and I have never seen so much rubbish in all my life,

Mostly it looks like farming country, overgrown with weeds, so much for the environment.

Farming does far more harm to the environment than Rally could ever do!

After having experienced Rally Australia in Western Australia for 18 years I can assure you that there will not be hundreds of wild animals killed, in any way!

If the people who live and run businesses in the towns involved have any clues they will see the prospects for adding value to what they do or in fact even starting up new ventures all because of the Rally.

The Rally will bring economic benefit to the area and to the state in general, you lot rave on about eco tourism, I can assure you that if the area does indeed have something to offer then the Rally will bring thousands of international tourists.

There is a huge contingent of International Rally people who follow the WRC around the world, just like the people who follow Tennis or Cricket or Footy, yep just the same, and they will be coming to your part of the world, generally speaking they have a few bucks in their back pocket and have great fun unloading the stuff, so do not think there is no money to be made.

If you think however that you should just need to stand in line with your hand out to get your share then you have your head in the sand (or somewhere else!)

An event like this will always have those who are against having it, well we live in a democracy, so if it is taking place then there must be a higher number of people who want it than don't, bad luck!

I suggest that you greenies would be better off spending your time and money trying to fix up a couple of the countries biggest environmental disasters which are on your back doorstep, like the Murray Darling disaster for one!"

This case has been described by some as the worst case of animal cruelty in Australian history. After kidnapping Peanut in the middle of the night, Jonathon Blake and another man took him to a park behind the Moranbah rodeo grounds. Jack Russells are wonderful little dogs that make loyal and lively pets. They tortured, mutilated and decapitated the small dog! It is totally incomprehensible that a "human" could descend to such depths of evil and depravity. He was served 3 years in prison, but after one year can apply for parole. He has already served almost one year in prison, so he could be free soon! However, this is a benchmark sentence for animal cruelty. This scum should be microchipped as he is a psychopath and could easily offend again.

July last year the Bureau of Statistics announced that the nation's population grew at its fastest rate since 1988. The growth rate was 1.6 per cent, or 331,900 people. Net overseas migration contributed 56 per cent of that increase. However, according MP Kelvin Thompson, "under John Howard migration rates to Australia skyrocketed. In 1995-96 they were 82,000, by 2007-07 they were 148,000. The number of temporary entry visas, including students, has also skyrocketed from 2.8 million in 1995-96 to over 4 million in 2006-07." The rise may have started under the Howard government, but it has escalated under Labor! The issue of population was treated in a trivial manner by Rudd's 2020 Summit, which arrived at the following vision: "By 2020 we will have a sustainable population and consumption policy: while the population grows, net consumption should decrease." Really? Surely as population grows, net consumption demands will dramatically increase at a time when they are actually diminishing due to peak everything! An increasing population and an increasing demand for natural resources is not sustainable! Surely our leaders aren't basing their policies, and economic growth, on the likelihood of finding another planet to invade in the next 50 years?

You are absolutely right, Bob.

Chis Evans' claim to want "a more sophisticated debate" or, indeed, any debate about immigration has been shown to be disingenuous.

In fact, there have been many only online debates since Evan's announced ramping up immigration in May last year. Invariably, if population stability advocates are given a fair hearing, the immigration merchants lose the debate badly.

Here's one on Larvatus Prodeo that began in May last year, entitled -470400">"Will 'the great immigration debate' take place? ". The administrators promised to leave the debate open until November, but suddenly decided to close it on 18 June, because -478942">according to 'Kim',

This thread seems to have become rather unpleasantly uncivil and overly combative. I think it’s time to end it.

... as if words arising from peoples' understandable frustration and anger at politician's disregard for their wishes are worse than the reality of the consequences brought about by those politicians' decisions.

Another debate, in which not one single growth pusher could find his/her voice was to the article, implicitly in favour of unlimited immigration into Europe, .

But, of course facts, evidence and logic count for nothing for politicians are resolved to give to the selfish elites, that they serve, what they want regardless of the wishes of their constituents.

With the forces of globalisation and massive corporations like Repco, the people of Australia, and even Federal government policies, are easily dismissed. These powerful businesses lure the crowds with entertainment, profits, jobs, convenience and products, but justice for environmental and wildlife issues is the cost. As populations grow, each person has less say and influence in any debate. With corrupt governments such as that of NSW, it is just the formula for destruction and manipulation. Surely this Repco rally is an excellent argument for the abandoning of State governments? They are irrelevant, expensive and open to corruption. The Brumby government is also an excellent example of wastage of public money and resources, and corporate powers. We should have a democratic Federal government with local representatives. Why not form some blockades during the races? The people need to take power!

It was my house that you were talking about and likewise I think the same. I hope my life is not ruined because of this race. After numerous complaints they reluctantly erected plastic water filled barriers and flimsy looking hessian. I have also been involved in documenting the endangered species here. Thank you for your great article and let's hope all our efforts will count for something.

Australian Government cultural portal: National parks are usually large areas of land that are protected because they have unspoilt landscapes and a diverse number of native plants and animals. This means that commercial activities such as farming are prohibited and human activity is strictly monitored. Like zoos, national parks have several purposes. The foremost of these is to protect native flora and fauna. But national parks are also there so Australians and foreign visitors can enjoy and learn about our unique environment, heritage and culture.

This is the heart of Australia’s Green Cauldron, nominated by Tourism Australia as a ‘National Landscape’ and a must-see destination for travellers who want to get off the beaten tourist track to discover the real Australia.

Which part of these aims are compatible with motor racing, the World Rally? Of course, tourist income, jobs and entertainment values can over-ride any policies according to the NSW government! It is pure idiocy and rampant commercialism at its worst! Even the Shooters Party is considered a valid political party!

Hi all, In regard to the announcement this week by the Brumby Government this week of the removal of Council protections of the clearing of trees and native vegetation across Victoria. Please register your interest in this site to show that you are concerned about the indiscriminate removal of vegetation and the impact such removal will have on wildlife habitat, visual amenity and ironically the potential it has to intensify bushfire danger due to significantly increased wind speeds at ground level. Not to mention drying effect. The Living with the Bush site contains a wealth of information. Please forward it to friends, family and networks. This site offers a voice of reason, our voice - for the sake of our wildlife, our planet and ourselves,we need to be heard.

Stuff the racist squirms. Only open the immigration gate if the existing stock are happy to accept. But since when have existing stock been asked? So don't be surprised why existing stock get pissed off by an influx of unwanted newcomers. If Govment wants to breed racism, ignoring locals is a darn good way to start. If Govment doesn't ask us first, it oughtn't assume! Grass roots opposition to immigration is fueled from Govment arrogance of local values.

When entering the home of another person or people, we enter with silence and respect. This should be the same for a national park. Would these petrol-heads like to have a highway built through their homes and have to clean up the mess after? I don't think so! Let them put the race in their own backyards.

you lot have some very disturbing ideals. unless things have changed in the past 7 days in this country it is still a democratic country. where majority decissons rule over loud mouthed ill-informed minorty groups. in a tough economic climate this area needs all the help it can get. wake up. if you people where so worried about the environment why didnt you persue the the lunatics that set the vic. and n.sw. bushfires last summer that killed many humans and countless wild life. notice you lot didnt take that to court. obvisouly that would have been to hard. but then again you lot are to busy filling out centerlink-recieptment forms. or stessing where the next lot of green is going to come from. you people are such a embrassment to this place i.e. far north coast. also the state of n.s.w. and australia. also notice that you could only muster 22 protesters recently at murwillumbah. doesnt that tell you something. peter garret just approved a uranium mine in the n.t. didnt hear from you lot about that. that issue could be more disasterous than a motor rally. finally also according to brisbane newspaper recently bob hawk told the people that aust. should take the worlds nuclear waste. what do you think about that. like get your priorties in order.

Chris Evans is lying. We are supposed to have a robust democracy in Australia, but the reality is that we are only able to vote on a few selected issues. Vital policies, such as Defence and immigration, are not open to debate or discussion by citizens. The reason why? They know that the great majority of the public are now disadvantaged by the crowding of our cities and the associated rising costs. Most of the public would want to stop economic immigration and students gaining PR from using our education facilities. The only way we can change is from a grass-root level, and people must overcome their hesitancy about the "racism" accusations. With the over-lay of climate change, the price of our massive immigration policies will bite hard!

Having spent my whole life working in this area in the actual forests, having worked with, cared and rescued wildlife myself, i consider myself to have a better understanding of the habits of our fauna than many others who cry on the behalf of our mammalian cousins. So far all i have heard is emotional outpouring about peoples rights and to add an extra point to ram home their anti-everything mentality they now drag nature into the equation. It is a mathematical equation nothing more nothing less, the amount of kilometres travel done by any car upon these roads at various times of the day, irrespective of the cars intentioned purpose will determine the frequency that wildlife is exposed to harm. The rest of the nay-sayers arguments are nothing but their outcrying at having failed to impose their will upon the rest of the populace as they are so used to doing and getting away with. It is power they crave to tell us why we should believe in what they do, egotism and cerebral arrogance in the end always shows it's hand. Before they started these brazen claims I was neutral, nay even ambivalent to the event, now i support it, as it appears it has the silent majorities approval judging by the turnouts and positive clamour in the streets, and i have witnessed nothing but professional courteous conduct from the "other side'. How will you look and feel dear "preservationists" when nought but a frillneck is harmed by this weekends events, will you feel silly or plain stupid, no I would believe you won't you will self-justify your actions in some way to avoid the realisation you are part of the problem, not guru's with solutions for all.

Senator Evans said immigration should be the nation's labour agency, meaning a continued high intake of migrants ... Decisions about who came to Australia would increasingly be left to employers.

This is totally absurd.

Firstly, the Australian people should be the nation's labour agency, not foreigners.

Secondly, giving business groups carte blanche to decide who comes to Australia is reckless and idiotic in the extreme. It is nothing short of a green-light for open borders.

Chris Evans seems to be completely abrogating responsibility for immigration decisions and putting that responsibility in the hands of vested interests. This is astounding.

In all my time observing politics, I've never seen such utter abandonment of responsibility by a federal minister entrusted to serve the national interest.

Ten years of rapid immigration have been touted as the key to Australia's prosperity. At what cost? Anybody, including elected leaders, runs the risk of being labelled as "racist" by immigrant advocacy groups if they dare to suggest an end to economic immigration to stabilise our population growth. Even environmental and climate change groups have been silenced on debating this issue. However, there is not one long-term problem that can be solved by more people and bigger cities.

This population growth is driven by the Federal Government's record high immigration program for the benefit of the property developers and land speculators who generously contribute to governing political parties. Building developments continue to under the expectation that populations will rise and provide the occupiers.

Short-term economic boosts from an increasing population are evident, but ultimately real costs of unsustainable policies are relayed back to the public purse. Costs of housing, water, power, transport and land are all escalating due to more people competing for diminishing resources.

One-dimensional policies, based purely on economics, are shallow and ill-founded. We elect our leaders to serve the citizens of Australia now and in the future, not elite business groups.

Minister Chris Evans should resign due to his mis-representation of immigration figures and for bypassing the people of Australia in favour of jobs for outsiders. This is disloyalty and perversion and contrary to the interests of Australia.

We can't just "manage" the population if an over-loaded Australia as we do with other over-abundant introduced species! There can be no turning back from human growth and the burden will be laid on the shoulders of leaders in the coming decades, and the next generation.

From On Line Opinion Australia:

By Peter Ridd
Posted Thursday, 13 August 2009

Latest statistics show that Australia’s population is growing at a rate of more than a million every three years. This growth rate is being driven primarily by record rates of immigration and a relative young population, itself a product of rapid past immigration. Doubtless Peter Costello’s baby bonus has also made the situation worse by encouraging the increased fertility rates of Australian women.

At the present rate Australia will have a population of about 50 million by mid century and 100 million by the end of the century. If this sounds implausible, consider that at the end of World War II, just 64 years ago, Australia’s population was only 7.5 million, i.e. it has almost tripled in that time.

This population growth should be considered an economic and environmental problem of huge proportions. From the economic point of view, Australia relies mostly on mining and agriculture for its export earnings. These industries require a very small proportion of the population to operate (although it is true that due to inadequate training in the technical trades and engineering, they have suffered a temporary labour shortages in recent years).

The growing population in Australia will not increase exports of iron ore, coal or gold and will reduce our exports of food as we are forced to consume more of our output internally. The money that comes to Australia from the sales of our resources presently gets divided among 22 million Australians. When the population doubles the amount per capita will halve.

There are plenty of examples around the world where resource based economies, almost all of which do not rely on a large fraction of their population to produce the export income, are worse off with large populations. Compare the UK with Norway, both supposedly rich from North Sea oil. The UK, with a population of about 60 million, spent the income and will soon run out of oil. Norway, with less than five million people, could afford to save a huge proportion of its income in large government investment funds. Norway’s future is assured.

During the recent resources boom, Australian governments squandered the bulk of the tax revenues generated by the mining companies, at least partially, in building infrastructure for an unnecessary population explosion. As an example of this problem, consider the state of Queensland’s finances which are caught between falling resources income and the staggering costs of providing the infrastructure for a third-world rate of population growth.

In the post war period of immigration there were some sound reasons to expand Australia’s population. There was a genuine, if exaggerated, security concern which was a rational response to the near death experience that Australia encountered in World War II. There was also a concerted effort to expand Australia’s manufacturing industry which, it was argued, needed a larger population to make it viable. In the days of poor transport, we needed large internal markets.

All those factors have now changed. Manufacturing in Australia is on its knees and a growing population will not help. Mining, agriculture, tourism, and the education of foreign students are our biggest export earners and do not need a growing population.

From the environmental side, a growing population is an obvious problem. Currently we have water shortages of varying severity in all our big cities which would have been less acute if we had maintained our population at levels of 20 years ago. Melbourne would not have to contemplate encroaching into its green fringe or building a desalination plant if its population wasn’t growing. Finally, if you believe that C02 causes climate change, Australia’s population growth will make it almost impossible to achieve meaningful emission reductions. We have to reduce per-capita emissions by 50 per cent every 40 years just to keep our total emission at present levels.

Even though the problems of population growth are obvious, it is a political sacred cow that cannot be argued or debated. None of the major political parties will argue for lower immigration because they are scared of being labeled racist. Even the Greens who have a useful population policy are almost always silent on this issue. They should be arguing for lower immigration every time the Australian Bureau of Statistics population figures are released. There is also an unholy alliance between the right wing who want a growing population to feed our housing construction industry and the extreme left who want to allow the whole world to come to Australia on compassionate grounds.

The housing industry is the main beneficiary of high population growth. Every year we have to build a city the size of Canberra just to house our growth. Unfortunately this is not a productive activity, unlike building a factory, a mine, the scientific development of better farming practice, a medical breakthrough or an environmental improvement. House construction appears to be good for us because it employs people in the short term, but in the long run it will get us nowhere because it is not an investment in production. The reality is that Australia has too many people in the industry.

Although the housing industry has always been a big winner from our population policy, there is now another big player that has its snout in the immigration trough. That is our education sector. Presently, applicants who wish to migrate to Australia and have a qualification from an Australian institution get preferential treatment. This has spawned a massive industry in education which could only be described as an enormous immigration scam. In the lobby of a large Pitt Street building recently I noted that half the companies in the building were involved in either immigration advice, or education for foreign students. Many companies were doing both.

It is not only some dodgy colleges which are involved in this cash-for-visa scam. Our universities take in large numbers of students whose main aim is to gain Australian residency. We are prepared to take money from them to smooth their way through the process. Effectively selling permanent residency visas through the education system is neither ethical nor in the best interests of the country.

The population issue is an example of where this country has lost its way and is not concentrating on the big economic, environmental or social issues. We are preoccupied with global warming and the supposed imminent demise of the Great Barrier Reef even though the science on these is far from conclusive. At the same time we ignore the obvious and definite environmental problems posed by population growth: unarguably the easiest and cheapest problem to solve yet underpinning all our environmental problems.

We also refuse to contemplate nuclear power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because, like population growth, this is another sacred cow that cannot be challenged. Economically we are prepared to sacrifice our future for the short term gain of extra foreign students in our universities and dodgy colleges, and for jobs in our non productive building industry. Socially we are not prepared to pay to train our own kids to become doctors, engineers and trades people to fill the gaps we have in our labour force. At the same time we are happy to take skilled people from developing countries which cannot afford to lose them.

With Canada and perhaps Russia, Australia is in a unique position. We have a small population and a huge country, most of which is agriculturally unproductive and unpleasant to live in. We have a relatively unspoilt environment and an abundance of mineral wealth. We also have a technologically advanced society and a good base in science and medicine. Uncontrolled population growth risks what we have. We should immediately reduce immigration to about 50,000 a year, with the medium term objective of having a zero net immigration policy; and the baby bonus should be scrapped to discourage the present rise in fertility. Because of the pipeline effect, i.e. we have a very young average population, our population will continue to grow to at least 25 million. We can then decide if we wanted to keep the population at that level or reduce it by adjusting immigration to suit.

It really is that easy.

Peter Ridd is a Reader in Physics at James Cook University specialising in Marine Physics. He is also a scientific adviser to the Australian Environment Foundation. He writes this article as an advisor to the Australian Environment Foundation.

Candobetter editorial comment: This is an excellent article which attacks head on the most critical issue population that is avoided by too many ostensibly pro-environmental groups. It also correctly names the sectors which derive short term benefit at the expense of the rest of the community and our long term future. My own articles and may also be of interest here.

The article's proposal that nuclear power is a solution for our energy shortage problems is certainly controversial. All options, including nuclear need to be evaluated objectively. However, the environmental risks are, at best, considerable, and, at worst, potentially catastrophic for large areas of the Earth. A very good over is the Chapter "Nuclear Fission Power Options" by Sheila Newman in (2008) edited by Sheila Newman (RRP AU$44.95).

As the Online Opinion , "[Peter Ridd] is ... a scientific adviser to the . The AEF correctly opposes the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) scam that the Federal Government intends to impose upon us, but from the (in my view) incorrect position that our planet is not threatened with global warming. In fact there is, even amongst otherwise prolific, cogent and dedicated candobetter contributors, at least one other global warming 'sceptic'. I think they are seriously mistaken, but this is a discussion we need to have on these pages. - JS 3 Sep 09.

From [Ed.Candobetter: This comment posted a significant portion of the Age article, so we have cut it down and paraphrased a bit to diminish copyright problems]. Toy cites figures from the ABS that every two minutes Australia gains another immigrant and Australia's population growth is around 1.9% - which is very rapid for a 'developed nation'; only Turkey and Mexico are growing faster, of OECD countries. "Ten years ago the projections were that Australia's then population of 18.5 million would be nudging 23 million by 2021. It is now 22.8 million and growing. A baby boom has contributed, but 60 per cent of the increase is due to the biggest immigration intake since the post-World War II boom when migrants from Europe surged here." *snip* Toy says this situation has been dubbed the 'immigration revolution', and notes that it is 'putting pressure on our cities and resources' and raising some cultural questions. Federal Labor MP Kelvin Thomson is described as "virtually a lone voice in Canberra when he argues for immigration to be slashed - apart from the refugee intake, which he wants increased. The journalist describes him as linking [correctly] the front page issues of "climate change, water shortages, housing affordability, transport congestion, environmental crises, increasing prices" to the "officially encouraged" increase in the birth rate and net overseas immigration. She describes some of the contents of Thomson's submission to the Victorian State Government on urban boundaries, which you may read on Indeed, Thomson's submission is a really good one against population growth. The article notes that Thomson's seat is in a poly-ethnic area of Melbourne. She reports that Thomson says that "The business community is constantly in the ear of the politicians, Liberal and Labor, urging greater migration," and that ''The cost of increased population and migration in terms of increasing prices and pressure on our environment are not being taken into account.'' Toy writes: "Parts of the union movement are also concerned about the possibility of excessive immigration. John Sutton, national secretary of the Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union, says the huge temporary migrant program makes the already high permanent program seem small. ''The most telling figure I have heard recently is that the number of 15-to-24-year-old Australians working in 2008-09 has reduced by 100,000,'' Sutton says. ''That's 100,000 Australian kids losing jobs at the very point that you have an explosion in international students, high 457 visas, high working-holiday-maker visas. You don't have to be Einstein to work out there's some linkage.'' Sutton says the Government policy of putting business and the international education lobby in charge of dramatic immigration growth was a radical departure from Australia's immigration history. ''And that's not necessarily in the public or national interest.'' *snip* Then there is a small discussion about how Sutton finds it surprising that there has been "so little debate about the size and impact of immigration". He doesn't think the silence will last. [It's all very polite, this kind of journalism, resisting accusing the government of frank opposition to the public interest and totally failing democracy.] Toys adds that "The Australian Conservation Foundation has long wanted a population stabilisation policy, but has never campaigned hard on the issue." [That's something of an exaggeration. Most population aware enviromentalists would probably agree that the ACF has sabotaged discussion, assisted the government to sabotage democracy in this area, and that the organisation has basically acted as a big fat road-block to anyone with real expertise and committment in the area getting to negotiate with government.] Toys describes Charles Berger, the ACF's 'director of strategic ideas' as supposing that the "lack of debate" results from associated issues being "tainted by racism and xenophobia." Now Berger is saying that the ACF wants to slash immigration but massively boost refugee intake. Berger is described saying that the property development industry benefited from high immigration but that there was no serious consideration of the 'long-term environmental consequences'. [Yeah, well, it's taken the ACF a long time to notice too.] ''The question we need to ask ourselves is do we want economic growth or do we want a good quality of life? These two things are not the same thing. As a nation we are jeopardising all the things we love about living in Australia.'' [Wow! An epiphany for the ACF! Sounds as if they might develop a taste for protecting the natural world, but if I were the natural world, I wouldn't wait for the ACF.] Toys cites Bob Birrell, who is something of a professional long-term performer in the immigration policy analysis arena, saying he doesn't think the reasons for the big boost in intake have much to do with concerns about an 'aging population'. He thinks the population push was to keep the mining boom going and that now it's being used to keep the economy from actually seizing up. [Words to that effect] ''Since then, Treasury continues to be pro high migration largely because it, like the big end of town, want very high aggregate economic growth. When they talk about avoiding recession, that's referring to aggregate growth,'' Birrell says. ''But if you're looking at wellbeing of individual Australians, that depends on per capita GDP. In the last year or so we have had negative per capita GDP." *snip* A surprisingly balanced article, especially for a Fairfax paper [comments our correspondent - Ed.]

Regrettably, a noble cause has flopped due to lack of legal representation able to concisely present the argument in the manner required by the Court. The NSW Environmental Defenders Office, one would assume could have been capable of meeting this requirement. One possible option now is to appeal on a point of law. Grounds of appeal must argue that the original Judge that heard the case made an error of law. According the the Federal Court website, appeals from final judgments must be made within 21 days of the decision, completing and submitting a Form 55 by the appellant. Provided the Court rules are in relation to documentation necessary for an 'appeal book', a hearing may be granted in whch the appellant will have an opportunity to argue his/her case. Without legal representation with special expertise in such matters in the Federal Court, the risk of wasting time and money again remains. Regrettably, the law serves the rich, who can afford representation to satisfy court rules. Another option is to disrupt the race.

Jeff may still have not read the Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2009, which I remind him is the issue at hand. I offer the following extract summary quote by way of factual evidence to remind him: "Explanatory note: This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament. [Click on PDF 'Text of Bill as First Print'] The object of this Bill is to amend the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 (the Act) as follows: (a) to enable the Minister responsible for national park estate land to make that land available for the hunting of game animals by licensed game hunters, (b) to expand the list of game animals that may be hunted in accordance with the Act and, in the case of any native game animals that are listed, to impose special requirements in relation to the hunting of those animals by licensed game hunters, (c) to provide for the operation of private game reserves under the authority of a licence granted by the Game Council, (d) to make it an offence to approach persons who are lawfully hunting on declared public hunting land or to interfere with persons lawfully hunting game animals, (e) to make a number of other amendments of an administrative, minor or consequential nature. Jeff, this is the Bill being presented before NSW Parliament. It is not about nostalgic big game hunting of wildlife in Africa. In fact if Jeff was mindful of the dire poverty in Zimbabwe, he would be aware that ..."Zimbabwe faces another huge food deficit in 2009 due to continued falls in farm production, mounting political uncertainty and economic instability, a report by a farmers’ union said on Wednesday. The southern African country is battling hyperinflation and has endured food shortages since 2000, when President Robert Mugabe’s government began seizing farms from whites to resettle landless blacks. "The Commercial Farmers’ Union (CFU), which represents most of the few remaining white commercial farmers, said agricultural output would continue to fall sharply until the country’s political crisis was resolved. The last official inflation rate, for July last year, stood at 231 million per cent." "Donor agencies say more than five million Zimbabweans, almost half the population, currently rely on food handouts and expect the number to rise following another poor agricultural season. The United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) says its $140 million emergency food aid appeal for Zimbabwe has come up $65 million short." "Critics say Mugabe’s land policies have ruined Zimbabwe’s once prosperous economy, but the veteran ruler says the seizures were meant to reverse colonial land imbalances."SOURCE: So does Borsak and his party feel a sense of gratification knowing their hunting trip contributed revenue to perpetuate Mugabe's regime in Zimbabwe? Jeff, your oxymorons may be justified to a recreational hunter because clearly there is obviously a vested interest. Spin like hunting being a "sound theoretical concept", "successful conservation tool" and "crucial to the preservation of biodiversity" has as much logic and meaning as wouId apply to legalising poacher possies. If some dictator like Mugabe made it legal to shoot poachers, he could equally justofy it as a "sound theoretical concept", "successful conservation tool"and "crucial to the preservation of biodiversity." Who am I to stop discount group flights from Perth to Johannesburg for keen poacher hunters? But getting back to The Bill, no one has been able to offer any justification for clauses (a) and (b) in the Bill identified above. This is despite the spin being about controlling ferals. I suppose Jeff and his weekend warriors would have us believe elephants are feral and in plague proportions in Africa too? Name one piece of evdence in NSW where the taxpayer rorting Game Council has successfully controlled a population of feral animals. Go on, name one and cite the evidence source so I know you aren't relying on some big game theory.

Africa and India had huge high-energy-high-mass biodiverse animal and flora populations for many centuries. Poaching did not seem to be a problem until the new land-laws brought in, notably, by the British acting in a colonial capacity - formally remaking land-use planning laws which made it impossible for traditional clan and tribal use of lands to persist, and then by transnational corporations seeking to make a profit from the landscape at the expense of the locals. (I admit that my familiarity with any continuing impact of Roman-Dutch law in South Africa and Sri-Lenka, among some other countries is currently poor. I would welcome correspondence on this matter.) It strikes me as extremely unfair to Africans of indigenous origin to behave as if their values or practices were at the root of this comparatively recent, but devastating problem. To say that 'no African gave a damn' overlooks the fact that, since there was no problem of biodiversity depletion on such a scale before 1750, there was not really a need for a 'managed hunting industry' in the various small-scale and many long-duration cultures there. My investigation of the problem sees it lying in the introduced land 'management' systems and they way these treat people, domestic animals and wildlife. These affect everything, including the rate of population growth and the way that people earn incomes. (They are having the same effect in Australia, but started here later in a much more fragile ecology.) The hunting solution is a cowardly solution in a system that only values money and chews up people and elephants in order to make it. It is a sick system which, whilst valuing elephants and people for the money they can earn, considers them utterly expendable if they cannot earn money. That the 'hunting solution' probably came from the people whose system created the problem in the first place is neither surprising or edifying. It will be useless in the long-term as the machine of 'progress' (a kind of biodiversity mulching and polluting mechanism for the production of money for a few) eventually chews up everything, even itself. I think we are seeing this happening now, not least in Australia. It is the people at the top of the pyramid who profit from these systems who should bear the responsibility and blame for their destructive and unfair impacts. The profiteers include, par excellence, the mass media and the pulpit propaganda which promotes, excuses, and shores up these systems. If those people are Africans or Indians, then they are a part of the problem. Whoever those people are - the CEOs, the governments, the rich investors, the middle class investors - and even the UN, which does absolutely nothing about land-rights for animals and relocalisation of government and production in a non-profit system for people which would help to stem human population growth - are at fault. (Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine goes a long way to identifying some of the people prominent in corrupting local and regional democracy.) I have absolutely no faith in the 'demographic transition' (an apology for continued growth) and would point to Australia and the US for why we should have no such faith. Their populations are out of control. I would look to the South American countries and Hugo Chavez's philosophy and to Napoleonic codes of inheritance to assist a real transition. We need it in Australia as well. By the way, one of my close relatives used to make his own hand spears and used them, mostly underwater. He was once featured in a magazine as the first person to spear a crocodile under water, using a hand-spear. He also used to eat indigenous birds including parrots as well as other animals when he was out in the field. I was raised between the ideals of preserving nature and seeing humans as hunters. It has been difficult to marry the two. However I eventually realised that human populations on our scale are obscene and they also make hunting an obscene pass-time. It is only barely more obscene than shopping for cheap manufactures in malls, in that it is a more direct and overt way of killing, than the destruction of distant habitat for industrial production and distribution. To hunt elephants is also, if you go by mass, rarity and symbolism, quite a scale more obscene than hunting rabbits. In fact my mind sort of boggles on the rabbit problem. I gather it was the Vikings who first brought the rabbit to England, and then the English who brought the rabbit to Australia. What a chain of problems, moral and zoological. It is obvious that most humans have it in them to hunt and kill and that much of our folklore and television entertainment is all about this. In reality it is mostly channeled into symbolic acts. The real killing of animals is confined and sectioned off to a few people, mostly from the lower classes who have little choice of occupation, and for the profit of some very diverse corporations. What is out of sight is effectively out of mind for most people, and that goes for obviously catastrophic situations in the so-called 'third world'. The official ideology succeeds in convincing most people that the indigenous populations of 'third world' countries are somehow innately incompetent and for this reason require intervention from groups made up of really un-self-critical people from the peoples of the 'first world' to teach them how to suck eggs, so to speak. (The AID groups, the Development groups.) The sucking of eggs includes teaching them how to 'manage' hunting, how to get an income by playing the first-world zero-sum game of providing cheap labour by destroying more of their social systems. There is no recognition of the fact that the first world gets much of its income by destroying the social organisation and land-rights of the third world and has no intention whatsoever of allowing these people ever to take charge of themselves effectively. The AID and Development groups are the first to fall for these stories. What few people realise is that the social organisation and land-rights of the 'first world' are now fair game for the corporates as well. A zero sum game. We need relocalisation. And we have to preserve much more biodiversity or we will simply perish in our own waste. Sheila Newman, population sociologist

Oh, I nearly forgot. The only organisation in Australia that formally addresses and actively targets the problem of poaching is the NSW Game Council.
