Environmentalists and democracy activists, please watch this video on a new paradigm that could help us be more effective and organised on our issues. When truth exposes the absurd bases of traditional power, it makes us laugh with joy and empowerment. Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert thus penetrate the global financial bulldust in a stellar episode talking about the digital currency revolution underway that will turn the financial vampires to dust and remove the shadows from the rest of us. It is time to learn about the reality of 'non-fiat money, crypto-currencies, crypto-bullion, bitcoin, swarm, crypto-equity, peer-to-peer financing, crowd funding , bit pacer, m pacer,' and all that stuff. They also talk about people taking control of parliaments in the same way. Video inside. The first part is the guts of it. There is an RT program ID in the middle that you can fast-forward. The second half is an interview with Swarm, which describes itself and crypto-equity. Truly stimulating new stuff here!
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert ask, “What financial system ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what banking system can preserve its liberties if the bankers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” And while many billionaires and plutocrats worry that the pitchforks are coming, Max and Stacy suggest that the revolution is already well under way, as crypto, blockchain and P2P technologies and systems have put a pitchfork in the corrupt financial system. In the second half, Max interviews Joel Dietz of SwarmCorp.com and Simon Dixon of BankToTheFuture.com about crowdfunding, Bitcoin 2.0 technologies like Swarm and the future of cryptofinance innovation.
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