Environment East Gippsland (EEG): Logging in disputed rainforest area - contact Lisa Neville MP
Last week GECO - Goongerah Environment Centre reported an illegal rainforest logging operation that has occurred on the Errinundra Plateau, East Gippsland. We documented the destruction and sent a report to the Victorian government. The mainstream media reported it, Australians called, emailed, tweeted and talked about it. They asked the Environment Minister to end this senseless destruction and immediately stop logging. The pressure was felt in her office but logging continues and the forests need you to act again.
Email: lisa.neville [ AT ] parliament.vic.gov.au
Call: 03 9637 9654
Tweet: @LisanevilleMP
#LogOutOfRainforest #ProsecuteVicForests
GECO - Goongerah Environment Centre reports:
Logging machinery was taken out of the area for a short time and some restrictions have been placed on where logging can now occur. But yesterday we observed that logging has recommenced and ancient trees, some up to 600 years old, near the area where rainforest has been logged are falling today!
We need to act now and let the Victorian Government know that if this matter is being taken seriously all logging operations in the area must immediately stop!
You can remind the Minister's office of the following points.
- Rainforest is a listed as a threatened community under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (FFGA).
- The Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act requires VicForests to comply with the Code of Practice for Timber Production which forbids the logging of rainforest.
- Evidence is overwhelming that VicForests has illegally logged Rainforest in breach of these two Acts.
- While an investigation takes place, all operations need to stop.
- VicForests need to be penalised and kicked out of the coupe.
#10;<p><strong>- At this stage, we know that at least a quarter of the coupe has been logged illegally. Continuing operations in the coupe may also be in breach of the law. So it's important to immediatley stop all operations until an investigation is complete.</strong><br><br><strong>- VicForests should be forced to reserve an area equivalent in size to the area that was logged illegally.</strong><br><br><strong>- The area of logged rainforest is about one hectare in size, it should have been given a 40 m buffer of retained trees either side of it. So it's not just rainforest that has been illegally logged, ancient trees (like the one in the photo at the top of this email) that should have been buffering the rainforest have been illegally logged.</strong><br><br></p> <p><img src=" />
- Once the investigation concludes, the government need to prosecute VicForests for breaking our state environment laws.
In your letters it's important to emphasise that VicForests are the problem here. The Minister's department enforces laws to protect rainforest but the rogue forest agency of VicForests think they don't need to obey them. They must be prosecuted and the logging must be stopped.
Our rainforests are unique, rare and precious and illegal logging of them by VicForests is an abomination that flies in the face of state environment laws. This sort of reckless destruction doesn't belong in the 21st century.
Thanks for taking action. You have the power to stop the destruction and if we all join our voices and make ourselves heard we can get the loggers out.
For the forests,
GECO - Goongerah Environment Centre.
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