House of Representatives Question No.0101
"Mr Thomson asked the Minister for the Environment, in writing on 13 May 2014:
Is he aware that past and current open ended population growth policy creates the inevitable prospect of imposing continual infrastructure projects on the public, each one more invasive and destructive of the social and natural environments?"
Mr Hunt's reply was a monument to obfuscation and unreality, surpassing anything you have seen on Yes Minister:
"Mr Hunt: The answer to the Honourable Member's question is as follows:
Setting a fixed population target can mask the complexities of the issue. For example, there are many aspects of population change in Australia, such as changes in fertility rates that cannot be accurately predicted or directly controlled.
The Australian Government has in place a range of commitments to infrastructure, services, jobs and the environment which will provide for Australia's currently growing population including a commitment to better plan for and sequence infrastructure development across Australia, and to develop a White Paper on the development of Northern Australia. These policies will support environmentally, socially and economically responsible growth and cultivate resilient, productive and fair communities."
Quark: "Not an environment minister's bootlace"
Candobetter's Quark's analysis of the logic involved was breathtaking:
Quark wrote: "Mr Hunt is making something sound more complex than it is.
It's as though Kelvin Thomson had asked if Mr Hunt was aware that if you add 5 to 6 you get 11 and Mr Hunt had answered that it is more complex than that because 2 and 3 make 5 and 2 multiplied by 3 makes 6 and 11 can be reached by adding 1 to 10, 2 to 9, 3 to 8 etc.
It also sounds as though endless infrastructure for Mr Hunt is a good thing
Mr. Hunt is not an environment minister’s bootlace.
I wonder what would emerge if Kelvin asked the same question over and over in different ways to try to corner the little ponce.
Jack Roach: "We should be very worried"
Jack Roach of Boroondara Residents Action Group (BRAG) wrote, in response:
"It is no wonder that Australia is headed for a massive jump in the rate of our population growth with woolly thinking like the Minister for the Environment’s attached reply to a question on our population growth. Our population is set to double within the next 30 to 35 years because we have no clear immigration policies. There is no set annual immigration intake and visas are issued with no limit as to numbers. (And most are issued by licensed agents not by the immigration department – where is the control?)
When a senior Minister says that “setting a fixed population growth target can mask the complexities of the issue” (refer attached reply to a question asked in Parliament on May 13) we should be very worried. He is falling back on the politician’s ploy of trying to confuse the issue by talking about “fertility changes that cannot be predicted”. That is not the concern, it is the number of new migrants that is the issue. The numbers just keep on increasing very year. In the late nineties and early 2000’s our immigration numbers were around to 70,000 to 80,000 but these have steadily but surely increased to 250,000 now and there is no indication that there will be any curbs in this increasing trend. In addition we also have in our country over a million long stay visa holders who put further pressure on our infrastructure. By a well understood visa swapping process they extend their stay and many eventually gain permanent residency.
And who pays for all this new infrastructure required to cope with this growth? Certainly not the new arrivals to this country, it is you the taxpayer that foots the bill. Who benefits from this massive population growth. The productivity Commission has issued a statement that it is not the existing general population, the main beneficiaries are the new arrivals themselves and, of course, the development industry.
Kevin Rudd’s BIG AUSTRALIA was a con but it is still being pushed by many of today’s politicians and the growthists. The time has come for an Australia- wide debate on our lack of any real immigration policy and the increasing rate of our population growth. What we need from now on is a properly planned rational and sustainable migration policy.
Send a copy of this [...] to your local state and federal politicians and demand a debate on this issue before it is too late."
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 2014-08-08 08:22
Mr Hunt the perfect "Environment" minister for Abbott government
Sime Validzic (not verified)
Sat, 2014-08-09 03:09
It would be great if there were petitions regarding population
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