(Further Update, 23 May 24 : Map included to more comprehensively show the territory that Azerbaijan has taken from Armenia since 2020. (I have not been able to locate any similar map anywhere else.) Update, 17 May 24 : Huge protest calling for Pashinyan's resignation outside EBRD forum in Yerevan) Alison Tahimizian Meuse (pictured left) discusses with a number of guests the current popular uprising against President Nikol Pashinyan (pictured on the right of the image to the right, meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev). Pashinyan was installed as President of Armenia in the US-orchestrated colour revolution of 2018. This current uprising started on 3 May. On that day, after Azebaijan demanded that Armenia surrender the north-eastern province of Tavush, President Pashinyan, immediately took steps to comply. Pashinyan started by sending to Tavush sappers from the Armenian armed forces to deactivate minefields which had been placed there to defend Tavush from precisely that feared aggression from Azerbaijan which was about to commence. In response Archbishop, Bagrat Gastanyan organised a large march from Tavush to Armenia's capital, Yerevan to demand that President Pahinyan defend Tavush from Azerbaijan.
After the march's arrival in Yerevan, six days later on 9 May, Archbishop Bagrat Gastanyan and his ever-growing number of supporters decided that the only way they could effectively defend Armenia was by demanding the resignation of President Pashinyan. Unfortunately, in spite of the great harm that Pashinyan has brought to Armenia and is continuing to bring to Armenia, a sizable proportion of Armenia's police force and armed forces remain loyal to Pashinyan and continue to attack and arrest patriotic Armenians.
Further Update 23 May 2024: Map included to illustrated land taken from Armenia since 2020

I have created the above map in an effort to comprehensively show what Armenian territory has been taken by Azerbaijan since 2020. I have not been able to find any other map with all of this information in one place. I think such a map is necessary to gain a proper understanding of how the land surrendered to Azerbaijan by Manchurian Candidate Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan makes the achievement of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's stated goal of annexing all of Armenia to become "West Azerbaijan" more likely. Tavush at the north-eastern end of Armenia is now being threatened with annexation. Artsakh which was surrendered to Azerbaijan in September last year is surrounded by territory lost to Azerbaijain in tje 2020 war. Those regions are adjacent to the south-eastern border of the remaining teritory of Armenia.
Armenia Rises Up: Over 200 Protesters Detained in 48 Hours // Hairenik Media Newscast
My own explanation for Pashinyan's barely concealed treason against his own country
The overt treason against his own country by President Nikol Pashinyan is unprecedented in my own knowledge of history - sabotaging Armenia's military campaign in its 2020 war against Azebaijan, blaming the defeat in that war on Armenian officers and imprisoning them, surrendering the Armenian enclave of Artsakh with 100,000 Armenian inhabitants to Azerbaijan in September 2023 and now attempting to surrender the province of Tavush to Azerbaijan on 3 May. Pashinyan claims that this further surrender of territory is to 'buy time', when clearly that loss will make it even harder for Armenians to defend what will be left of their territory from Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev's stated goal of conquering all of Armenia. Aliyev has labeled Armenia "West Azerbaijan."
I can only conclude that the United States has decided that its own geo-political goals in the Caucasus will be best served by the complete eradication of the state of the Armenian state and that each and every one of President Pashinyan's important decisions are what he has been told to do by his handlers in the US embassy.
Why has this not been reported in either RT or PressTV?
For many years I have relied on the Russian RT news service and the Iranian PressTV news service to keep me far better informed of major geopolitical events than I have been been able to from the corporate and government legacy media in the West. Nonetheless, nothing whatsoever has been reported in these news services about this popular uprising in Armenia, the outcome of which could have grave consequences for the security of both Russia and Iran.
Appendix: Crowd demands Pashinyan's resignation outside international EBD Forum in Yerevan
International guests attending the 33rd annual European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) forum in Yerevan on May 15 got a firsthand glimpse of the growing popular unrest against Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Outside their event venue, thousands of protesters thronged against police cordons, holding signs reading 'Nikol is a shame for democracy'. Inside the event, Pashinyan told a different story, asserting that Armenians and Azeris would learn to live in peace, thanks to his policies.
But on the ground, protests have returned to the flashpoint border region of Tavush. On Thursday, residents blocked the highway to Georgia, outraged over the government's decision to facilitate the entry of Azeri forces, notorious for war crimes, within 10 days.
International Forum Glimpses Armenia Unrest // Hairenik Media Newscast -16 May
Thu, 2024-05-16 08:27
Iranian Azeri language news service reports uprising in Armenia
I have yet to see any English language reporting about this uprising in either Russia's RT.com or neighbouring Iran's PressTV.ir, but this news about Iran's Azeri language news service is reporting the uprising gives hope. Hopefully, decent Azeris, who have been not yet been brainwashed into hating Armenians by the regime of President Ilham Aliyev, will learn the truth about Armenia from this.
Thu, 2024-05-30 23:29
Oil still being shipped from Azerbaijan to Israel through Turkey
James Sinnamon
Tue, 2024-07-09 14:24
Pashinyan government acts like serfs/slaves to Armenia's enemies
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