Redland City

Redland City Council

Redland City Council on Moreton Bay to the east of Brisbane. It once was a market garden for Brisbane but most of its former agricultural land has been subdivided into housing. In March 2007 it's residentsvoted against a pro-developer council and voted in a council committed to retaining the character of Redland.

Heather Steinberg - Independent for Redlands

I'm running as an Independent Candidate for Redlands - why? Because I'm sick of government inaction regarding child safety and protection. I am tired of government forcing ridiculous restrictions on recreational fishermen while commercial fishermen and cargo ships cause more damage. I am offended that the government can discriminate against children born after 30 June by prohibiting them from attending Prep. Most Independents run in the election because, like myself, we're tired of party politics and government inaction and run because we hope we can make a change and give the voice back to the people. As we all know the parties are not interested in what we want or need, all they want is to line their pockets. What do I stand for:
  1. Tougher penalties for repeat offenders.
  2. Non release from jail for repeat sex offenders.
  3. Mandatory counselling and other service for first time sex offenders.
  4. Changes to the Green Zones (for those who don't know the report Labor relied upon to implement the new zones was done by an employee from the EPA - and no-one is allowed access to her full thesis).
  5. Changes to the Prep system by removing the cut off date so all children turning 5 can attend Prep that year.
  6. Reduction in govt advertising - the govt wastes millions of dollars per govt dept/commission in television advertising alone - wouldn't that be better spent on health, education and other services.
Heather Steinberg - Independent for Redlands See also: in the Brisbane Times of 10 Mar 09, . My comment: Whilst I share Heather's abhorrence of child abuse and, most particularly, sexual abuse, I also support due legal process even for those suspected of or found guilty of those crimes. In Dennis Ferguson's case, he was recenlty found not guilty of the most recent child sex crime of which he had been accused. In his case, as long as proper measures to monitor Dennis Ferguson to prevent repeats of his offenses, for which he has already served time in jail for, are in place, that should be the end of the matter. That said, Heather Steinberg raises other legitimate concerens. I would welcome Heather's statements of her views on the broader issues raised on this site and in my . - James Sinnamon.

Protest Sunday 12 August to save Mount Cotton

S.O.S. - People Power Action Group

A demonstration will be held 9am 12th August and will meet outside Bayside Bulletin Office, Queen St, to then march and distribute leaflets through the market to give a firm message to the pro-development councilors that the residents have had enough of the destruction of Redlands & Mt Cotton.

Please reply to people_power |AT| if you can attend this very important rally so we can gauge numbers and get media coverage.

Show your posters with your message for these councilors.

Poster Examples:

Listen to the people No to BioMass
We will show our discontent with our vote No to Bone Processing Plant
No to Superquarry No More Development
Redlands is dying from over development Save The Redlands
Enough is enough
No more development
Don’t continue with this continuous destruction No more traffic

Our message to the council:

We are watching
“No more development”

You can also meet at morning demos.
9am Wednesday 1st & 8th August outside council office Bloomfield Street.

Help us put final nail in coffin of Mount Cotton Superquarry Wed 9am Cleveland

According to the Bayside Bulletin Newspaper (see below), the vote of two councillors who had formerly favoured approving the expansion of the existing Mount Cotton Quarry into a rainforest-destroying superquarry, may change in response to concerted community oppostion. Nevertheless it is still important that the pressure be maintained.

Protest outside Redland Shire Council chambers against plans to destroy Rainforest and Mount Cotton community with a giant quarry.

Where: Redland Shire Council Chambers, Bloomfield St., Cleveland
When:  9.00AM Wed 8 Aug 2007

Also please attend the on Sunday 12 August.

For further information see or visit